The Witcher: A new RPG on Twitch carried by a shock group

We all know that Twitch FR streamers are not lacking in creativity and are constantly finding new ways to entertain us. Role-playing games are on the rise and this is an opportunity that jeel seized. It’s official, next May 13 a life-size role-playing game will take place live from the grandiose Château d’Amboise.

What will be the theme of this RPG?

It’s a license that has been at the center of attention lately: The Witcher! With the upcoming release of season 3 of its series on Netflix, a fourth installment on the way, as well as a next-gen version of the third game, The Witcher has something to talk about. The mythical license of CD Projekt RED will therefore be at the center of this role-playing game, which promises to be epic.

Each streamer will embody one of the game’s emblematic characters, the roles distributed as follows:

  • Lynkus in Game Master
  • Uncle in Jaskierthe eccentric bard
  • Jeel in Cirithe Lion cub of Cintra
  • Alphacast in Geralt of Riviathe charming hero of the saga
  • Maghla in Yenneferthe tormented witch

More than interesting Twitch FR guests, who will therefore have to evolve in the Royal Castle of Amboise near Tours. A prestigious place dating from the 15th century which will undoubtedly translate the medieval atmosphere of The Witcher license. We do not yet know the precise plot of this RPG, which Jeel will probably tease or reveal at the time of the broadcast.

However, in the comments to the Tweet, Lynkus clarified that there are The Witcher themed RPGs but that “for this session, I’m going to do a mix of the d20 system and simplified Witcher”. The system in question uses, as its name suggests, a twenty-sided die, originally created for the king of role-playing games: Dungeons and Dragons. Here is what we know about the progress of the RPG.

Amboise Castle

Where to watch the RPG?

The role play will be broadcast live from Chateau d’Amboise on Jeel’s Twitch channel. The broadcast will begin on May 13 from 8 p.m. precise. So don’t be late if you don’t want to miss a beat of this immersive role-playing game in the fantastic universe of The Witcher!


A next-gen version on PS5 and Xbox Series X of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had been announced for the year 2021, then postponed to 2022. Today, the CD Projekt RED teams announce to their community that it will take be patient, because the wait will be longer than expected…

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