There are 5 types of buttocks, which one is yours?

A plastic surgeon has counted 5 shapes of buttocks in the world and all of them are splendid. Here are the types of rump listed by the expert.

Matthew Schulman, plastic surgeon, has examined nearly 50,000 buttocks during his career, from 35 countries and virtually every state in the United States. He has notably worked on more than 2,000 of them according to Cosmopolitan US.

According to the surgeon, a pair of buttocks is characterized by the position of your pelvis, hip bones, the amount of fat acquired and the way in which it is distributed. The size of the underlying gluteal muscles and the way they attach around the cooking bone also helps determine the shape of your butt.

If we can define the types of penis or the types of breasts, why should it not be the case for the shapes of the buttocks? So find out which type of butt looks closest to yours according to Matthew Schulman.

The square posterior

According to Matthew Schulman, your butt type is square if the line between the hip bone and the outside of the thigh is straight, perpendicular to the floor. Rest assured, no need for a square, it can be seen with the naked eye.

The V-shaped buttocks

Look closely. Your buttocks take the shape of a V, if the line between your pelvis and your hips tilts inward. Cosmopolitan US also reports that according to Matthew Schulman, this type of buttock is recurrent in people with broad shoulders and rather narrow hips.

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The buttocks in A (also known as the trapezoidal shape)

The people “Pear shaped” tend to have A-shaped (or trapezoidal) buttocks. In fact, according to Matthew Schulman, your butt is supposed to widen below your hip bones.

The round hindquarters

This form of posterior is very fashionable nowadays and it is characterized by buttocks which curve outwards then inwards like a peach. While some do not have cosmetic surgery to achieve the same result as our famous Kim K, others do not. Still, Matthew Schulman advises strengthening the gluteal muscles to give your butt a more rounded effect without undergoing surgery.

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The inverted heart-shaped rump

The upside down heart-shaped buttocks are round without defying gravity since the lower part of the hip is a bit heavier. Like the round hindquarters, Matthew Schulman explains that he “Involves an outward curve of the hips, but with more volume in the lower part of the hip”.

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Remember that the ads play on the desire to push you into consumption, so whether you have stretch marks, cellulite or a “flat ass”, be proud of your body and learn to love it as it is. ‘It is.

See also: There are 7 types of breasts in the world (and all of them are beautiful)

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