these 2 bad eating habits to ban, according to a gastroenterologist

Our diet can be our friend or our enemy, especially when it comes to the health of our gut microbiota. A renowned gastroenterologist highlights two dietary habits harmful to this intestinal flora, essential to our well-being.

The intestinal microbiotaoften described as the “second brain“, provides a central function in our health. Made up of trillions of microorganisms, it facilitates digestioncommunicates with our brain, regulates our immune system And protects our body against pathogens. However, certain food choices can disrupt this delicate balance, causing various health problems, from weight gain to digestive problems.

An imbalance in the intestinal flora can manifest itself through symptoms such as abnormal fatigue And mood changes. The gastroenterologist, Dr. William Berrebi, insists that certain common dietary practices have a direct impact on this balance. Here are two of the biggest dietary culprits that threaten the health of our gut microbiota.

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Ultraprocessed foods

Ultraprocessed foods, such as industrial biscuits, sodas, or even frozen ready meals, are the great enemies of the balance of the intestinal microbiota, insists Dr William Berrebi. He explains that “These make the intestine porous and certain bacteria and toxic substances – such as heavy metals – are then no longer blocked and can circulate in the blood..” He also specifies that the industrial processes used in the processing of these foods remove often the beneficial fibers while adding harmful additives.

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Chronic inflammation of the intestine is another common consequence of regular consumption of ultra-processed foods. This type of inflammation, although often invisible to the naked eye, can gradually lead to metabolic disorders like insulin resistance And non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Dr Berrebi also warns against the deleterious effects of these products on the intestinal microbial composition, emphasizing their ability to promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria while inhibiting those that are beneficial.

Underestimating fiber

Lack of fiber in the diet is a major source of imbalance for the intestinal microbiota. The gastroenterologist emphasizes that “fibers constitute food for intestinal bacteria and these prebiotics allow the microbiota to produce post-biotics, substances with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory action“. This deficiency can compromise the ability of the microbiota to fulfill its essential functionsaffecting not only the digestion but alsohe immune regulation of the body.

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To maintain good intestinal health, it is necessary to follow the recommendations en regarding fiber consumption. Dr. William Berrebi emphasizes the importance of a daily intake of “30 grams of raw fiber“, ideally obtained from various sources such asvegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. According to him, regularly integrate rich foods in fiber such as flax seeds, chia seeds, or even oilseeds is an effective strategy to support the diversity and health of the latter.

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