These 6 expired foods should definitely not be eaten (it’s bad for your health)

According to this nutritionist, these 6 foods should definitely not be consumed once their expiration date has passed, otherwise you risk exposing yourself to serious complications.

You open the door of your fridge, and unfortunately, you realize that there is still a poor slice of ham, a yogurt, a few vegetables and a piece of cheese. You wonder if you can still eat them, and you’re right, because expiration dates are no joke. For example, the mention “to consume preferably before… “(DDM) indicates the date until which a food is supposed to retain its nutritional, physical and taste qualities. If you exceed it, you don’t risk much. On the other hand, the mention “best before… ” (DLC), indicates a mandatory limit. Beyond what is indicated on the product, you expose yourself to risks, particularly on certain products.

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If dry foods are relatively spared, just like certain fresh products like yogurts that you can consume “up to 7 additional days”, explains it Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayachenutritionist doctor, interviewed for West Franceother products on the other hand should be excluded, at risk of being severely contaminated. Here are the 6 main ones.

The cold cuts

A slice of ham, that piece of sausage that you have left from a barbecue with friends, that piece of bacon that is still raw… Although they are tasty cooked, we absolutely avoid consuming them if their shelf life has passed. The risk ? Bacterial contamination.

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This is salmonella, the most common bacteria in cold meats, which is dangerous, even fatal, especially among the elderly. Pregnant women are also at risk. As a reminder, cold meats purchased by the cut must be consumed the same day.

Red meat

We also ban red meat, specifies the expert, “especially ground meat, because the surface area of ​​the meat with the air is increased, which thus increases the risk of development of bacteria such as salmonella, listeria or staphylococci….”

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Ground meat from the butcher must be consumed within 12 hours. As for the signs of spoiled meat, they are easily detected: foul odor and a brownish color.

Fresh fish

As its name suggests, fresh fish must be eaten fresh, i.e. the same day, or even the next day at most. If the skin is dull and the eyes are no longer alert, it is already too late.

“More broadly, we must be vigilant about the conservation of everything that is purchased by the cut”explains the nutritionist.

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With eggs, you have to be extra careful. In principle, they can be consumed up to 28 days after laying. However, “Eggs sometimes stay on the shelves in supermarkets for 21 days” explains Dr Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache. The expert recommends not exceeding “three weeks after the laying date”, because the membrane weakens, allowing germs to pass through more easily.

If the shell is cracked, don’t take any chances and throw the egg away. And if it is dirty, do not wash it under water, because that “reduces the impermeability of the shell and increases the risk of contamination”, explains the nutritionist.

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Cooked meals

Prepared meals whose expiration dates have passed also present a risk, especially those with sauce, explains the doctor: “especially all those with sauces and creams, i.e. almost the majority of cooked dishes, which must be consumed immediately.”

“The others can be eaten at most two days after the expiry date indicated on the packaging”she adds.


While some cheeses improve over time, this is not the case for those that are left lying around in the fridge. On the contrary, they can be dangerous. Particularly for those made from raw milk, explains Corinne Chicheportiche-Ayache, “a cheese made from raw milk, that is to say unpasteurized, should be completely avoided if it is expired.” For others, a deadline of one week should be preferred.

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Finally, if you start to see traces of mold on your piece of cheese, don’t take any risks. Refrain.

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