These 7 abs exercises are the best to support your weight loss, according to coaches

Do you want to strengthen your abs? Here are seven exercises, recommended by sports coaches, to do to achieve your goals.

The summer season is a profile. Many people take advantage of the increase in outdoor temperatures to practice a sporting activity. Isn’t this the perfect time to work the abdominal muscles? If you want to get started and don’t know what exercises to do, you’ve come to the right place.

Indeed, to be effective, it is preferable to target exercise areas. If you want to lose belly fat, you can alternate between abdominal sessions. Andrew White, NASM certified personal trainer and Vivian Yu, personal trainer and physiotherapist have deciphered the actions to adopt and repeat on a regular basis to effectively lose belly fat and regain a flat stomach.

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The board

According to White, this exercise “engages the entire core, targeting muscles like rectus abdominis, obliques and transverse abdominis » . Incorporating planks into your routine regularly will undoubtedly help you build core strength and stability. Exercise is essential to obtain a flatter and more toned stomach.

Easy to perform, it is an exercise that you must perform regularly. In a lying position, align your elbows and shoulders, then lift your body, leaning on your forearms. The body must be aligned, from head to heels. Look straight ahead, squeeze your glutes and maintain this position. Start with thirty seconds initially, then increase the duration as you practice.

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Practicing crunches on a bike

To perform this exercise, you must lie on your back on a floor mat. You will then place yours below your head. When you raise your chest and head, looking forward, raise your knees, forming a 90° angle. Extend one leg and bring one elbow toward the opposite knee. Then alternate the movements, repeating these gestures on each side. You must reproduce the same pedaling movements on a bike. Perform this exercise for one to two minutes, several times, during your session.

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This activity works the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. Andrew White explained on this subject: “This exercise effectively tones the abdominal muscles, thus contributing to a flatter stomach. Additionally, it improves coordination and stability, which are invaluable aspects of overall fitness.

The ascent of the mountain

This is again a simple exercise. . “This dynamic movement increases the heart rate, promoting fat burning. Simultaneously, the core is actively engaged when you bring your knees in, thus ensuring that you sculpt your abs” said Alex White.

In a lying position, arms outstretched, like when you are about to do push-ups, you alternate leg movements, by first raising the right knee towards the torso, then lowering it again. You then proceed in the same way on the left part of your body. These movements are similar to those performed by a mountaineer in full ascent.

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Leg lift

This is one of the most basic exercises when it comes to strengthening the abdominal muscles. Lying on the ground, you simultaneously raise both legs towards the sky, keeping them straight. They must form a 90° angle with the ground. Repeat this gesture ten times. You can repeat the number of sets several times as you progress.

Alex White explained that this exercise is ideal for working the hip flexors and transverse abdominal muscles. This is’ “a great move for the lower abs, which are often harder to target. The controlled movement required to raise and lower the legs without touching the ground intensely engages the lower abdominal muscles, leading to a firmer, more toned appearance.”

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The Pilates bridge with leg extension

To perform this exercise, which helps strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles and glutes, you must first lie down on a floor mat. Keep your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees. You will then gently lift your hips, to form a “bridge” between your shoulders and your knees. Then lift one leg and keep it straight for a few seconds. Then alternate with the other leg.

Perform several sets of movements during your workouts. Coach Yu explained the benefits of the Pilates bridge with leg extension. “You engage the glutes by maintaining a bridge position, while leg extension activates the abdominal muscles, especially the lower abs. Maintaining the bridge position ensures continued engagement of the gluteal muscles, which promotes muscular endurance and strength”she said.

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Plank leg raises

This exercise is performed in plank position, at the start (see paragraph The plank). Coach Yu explains that it is necessary to lean on your forearms and form a straight line, from your head to your heels. Keeping your trunk straight, you must lift one leg. Hold right, then lower it. Then alternate legs, while keeping your hips stable.

This exercise “engages the glutes and requires stability of the abdominal muscles, making it a fantastic 2 in 1 exercise,” assured the physiotherapist. She then added: “This exercise is a powerhouse for core stability. The plank position itself is great for the abs, and adding leg raises increases the challenge, requiring more strength from the glutes and core muscles. This combination is excellent for building a strong and toned physique.” You now know the exercises that will allow you to achieve your goal and obtain a flat stomach before summer. All you have to do is start practicing.

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