These beauty products are prohibited for children under 15 in Sweden, here’s why: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Since each skin is unique, there are a multitude of products to meet the specific needs of each epidermis. While some are affected by dry skin, others are faced with redness, brown spots or even sebaceous filaments. But every problem has its solution, or rather its ingredient. Retinol, vitamin A, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide… all are ingredients that we find in our various cosmetic products. However, the use of some of them is not trivial. Indeed, if they are not used in the right conditions, the ingredients can cause undesirable effects.

Moreover, recently, a new trend is emerging on social networks: “Sephora Kids“. Popularized by North West, the daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, this phenomenon concerns young girls who rob cosmetic stores to obtain cosmetic products. skincare unsuitable for their skin type. The goal for these young girls? Reproduce trends seen online and particularly on TikTok, to resemble the beauty standards on the platforms. To deal with this growing concern, a Swedish brand quickly reacted by introducing measures aimed at limiting access to certain beauty products. We will explain everything to you.

A Swedish pharmacy chain limits access to certain cosmetic products

Following the appearance of “Sephora Kids” on social networks, many doctors and dermatologists have warned about these inappropriate and premature practices, which are not without risk on the youngest skin. It is for this reason thatApotek Hjärtata pharmacy chain in Sweden has decided to take measures to stop the purchase of anti-aging products for adolescents under the age of fifteen.

Monika Magnusson, CEO of the pharmaceutical chain, said she takes her responsibilities as a distributor because “Young people today use skin care products in unhealthy and unnecessary ways“, she explains to AFP. From now on, anti-aging serums containing active ingredients such as citric, glycolic, salicylic acid, vitamin A (such as retinol) or vitamin C, are only available for people aged at least fifteen otherwise with parental consent or upon presentation of a medical certificate attesting to the necessity of use. “We hope that this limit will make more people stop and think, and that it will lead to important conversations between parents, in families and within society, about ideals and norms.”says Monika Magnusson. Other Swedish cosmetics companies are considering introducing similar measures. In France, for the moment no action has been taken in this direction.

The Swedish Medical Products Agency, for its part, wants concerted action at European Union level to regulate the concentration of the star anti-aging active ingredient: retinol. A draft regulation from the European Commission is due to take place in the summer of 2024, it will propose limiting the concentration of the latter to 0.3% in over-the-counter cosmetic products.

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