These silly parent phrases that we should stop saying

And yes, it has already happened to many parents to pronounce one of these sentences… which does not lead to anything! In addition, we do not realize how violent they can be.

As parents, there are sometimes situations in which we can no longer keep our calm and after all, it happens to everyone! Whether it’s when your child does a seizure while shoppingor when he takes too long to get dressed to go to schoolthe words can fuse. And it happens that the sentences turn into threats even if they are never carried out! Whether it was your parents who said this kind of sentence, or you even in an unconscious limit mimicry, with hindsight you realize that they can be quite violent.

And yes it’s not always good to reproduce what our parents did or said when we were children. Threats rarely lead to anything positive and today, many specialists are trying to warn about ordinary educational violence. Sometimes it is important to succeed in identifying what can be problematic in our educational model to give the best to our children… And that even if it means dropping this kind of sentences/threats!

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