These two astrological signs should be wary of the end of the year


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During these last ten days of the year 2021, two astrological signs in particular, will have to face some hardships.

2021 will end in an ambivalent climate for all signs. Celebrations are to be expected under the sign of doubt, deprivation and the feeling of having to face and analyze the past. But the good news is that the desire to live moments of sharing with loved ones and to focus on love are essential, even more intense. At Christmas, the stars promise us sincere love. This end of year period will alternate between hope, sharing and questioning.

On the other hand, among the signs of the zodiac, two of them will have to protect themselves during the last days of the year: Gemini and Sagittarius are called to take a step back on this period. If it won’t be perfect, no drama should happen, only little disappointments that shape life experiences. These two signs will find the strength to enjoy the holidays despite the disappointments encountered.

Gemini losing confidence

Gemini, whose personality embodies duality and the ability to adapt to any environment might be disappointed with a broken promise. Their desires might not be fulfilled as they see fit, making them feel insecure. But the good news is that the Gemini gets up quickly and in this ordeal will find the strength to bounce back on their own, making their wishes come true using their own abilities.

Sagittarians fear for their freedom

For Sagittarians, it will be more question of doubt about the future. This sign is at the crossroads of two important stages, but he sees it as a dead end, he has the feeling that the rest will be disappointing. Sagittarians will be weary of their situation and relationships and fear losing part of themselves and their freedom if they continue down this path. In order to find the outcome of this saturation of the mind, Sagittarians are advised to take the height, to wait a little before making any commitment. However, Sagittarius will prove to be in good shape despite the hardships and can count on his imagination to have a good holiday.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends that she dissects with words. She has a particular focus on women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she …

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