This ad perfectly illustrates the reality of breastfeeding (we needed it)

The brand Frida Mom, known for its videos on the living conditions of women in the middle of postpartum, has unveiled a new advertisement on breastfeeding. In it, you can see the painfulness of this stage, and how exhausting it is.

The breasts. A word designating the anterior part of the thorax in women nowadays sounds like a bad word, like something vulgar. Often censored on social media and hypersexualized by society, a woman's breast appears to be nothing more than a sexual and arousing organ. However, this is really not its primary use.

On social networks and in particular on Instagram, the pictures of female breasts are often censored and withdrawn, while the breasts of men roam quietly on the web. It almost looks like a female breast is scary, that it's pornography. It is hidden from the eyes of children, it is represented by drawings on prevention campaigns against breast cancer … while women are always hypersexualized on the screen. We even come to sexualize a mother who breastfeeds her child.

The American brand Frida Mom, specializing in the well-being of women, has tackled this problem. In her new Stream of Lactation ad, we see women breastfeeding their infants. This video shows how exciting breastfeeding is, but rather painful.

An advertisement that denounces

Posted on February 24, 2021, the video went viral within hours for its transparency, and for showing the truth about breastfeeding. Showing that there is nothing fun and certainly nothing sexual about it, that it is more than exhausting step for moms. The short film presents mothers overwhelmed by events, struggling and simply at their wit's end. In short, normal mothers far from the “perfect motherhood” that can be found on social media.

The video elicited many reactions, each more sincere than the next. "I just cried. It is so real. I watch this while feeding my little girl. It was such a difficult journey but well worth it "," Thank you for representing so faithfully what it is to be a new breastfeeding mother "," It has helped me to feel less alone, as if I was the only one to live this fight”, Can we read in the comments. It's not the visible breasts that are important in this video, it's the complexity of postpartum and breastfeeding.

A video soon to be broadcast at the Golden Globe

A cropped version of the ad is set to make its U.S. television debut at the 78th Golden Globe Awards airing this weekend. This is not the first time that Frida Mom has shown one of her videos at an event like this. In 2020, the brand was due to present a video on postpartum reality, and was censored by ABC for choosing images that were too “raw”.

It is this censorship that has led to the emergence of the #Mypostpartum movement on social networks. A mother who is breastfeeding or who sees her body transformed by the postpartum is nothing sexual, nothing violent, nothing too raw. It’s just the reality of it.

Cecile Fischer

First a fashion student, Cécile slowly turned to journalism, which she found more sincere. She is an editor for aufeminin and Parole de mamans, proud to write for committed media.

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