This aromatic herb present in summer dishes is ideal for digestion

Nothing needs to be looked at very carefully to help with digestive problems. Discover the aromatic herb capable of improving your transit!

More than a few days before summer! It’s also worth keeping your summer recipe book up to date. Sachets before everything because the many aromas of current cooking are very good for health. One of the things we’ve presented to you a little, already present on pizzas, is ideal to help you lose weight.

It contains basil which is capable of becoming a real slimming agent, especially as it helps with digestion!

Digestion: discover the benefits of basil

Remember that basil, which we find in various tomato-based dishes, is a very healthy and beneficial ingredient for the body. It will be a great help to combat digestive problems. In a first time, say that basil contains eugenol and other essential oils with anti-inflammatory effects. These can help reduce intestinal inflammation, which is beneficial for people suffering from digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The basil is also known for its carminative properties, which help to absorb gas and balloons. It can tighten the stomach muscles and help to release gas, thus relieving discomfort.

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Note that basil stimulates digestive enzymes: it can stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, essential for the decomposition of food and the effective absorption of nutrients. You should also note that basil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight various bacterial, fungus and viral infections. In addition, basil can help reduce arterial pressure and cholesterol, while also reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Finally, the antioxidants present in basil also contribute to cardiac health.

Weight loss: how to consume basil to improve digestion

The simplest way to consume basil to improve digestion is infusion. You can effectively infuse the raw basil leaves into the water and cook the whole thing in a tisane. In addition to regulating transit and eliminating toxins, this infusion would also be effective in promoting sleep thanks to its naturally relaxing and calming effects on the brain. Consumed after meals, this infusion will help prevent bubbles and esophageal cramps.

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As the summer approaches, if you prefer fresh drinks, note that basil-based smoothies can be very beneficial. Mix with the fruit of your choice: banana, red fruit, pineapple or even frozen then add water or almond milk and basil leaves. Finally, basil can also be used in pesto with raw leaves, oil, garlic, parmesan and olive oil, either on pastries or in a quiche.

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