This bad habit promotes weight gain in the stomach, according to experts

Abdominal fat is considered unsightly by many people. It also proves difficult to eliminate. Find out which habit helps promote belly fat gain.

Morphologically, fat mass installs more easily on certain areas of the body . The hips and stomach are among the anatomical areas where fat tends to be stored. A diet high in sugars and fried foods the consumption of alcohol and sugary drinks, as well as a sedentary lifestyle, help to facilitate its installation.

Other elements come into play. In women, certain hormonal changes (especially during menopause) contribute to the formation of fat mass. You should also know that a bad habit, practiced by millions of people, could be involved in the formation of visceral fat. We will detail it later in this article.

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Abdominal fat: how to define it?

The abdominal cavity contains the viscera and digestive organs (stomach, liver, pancreas, etc.). The abdominal wall contains all of these anatomical elements. Visceral fat lodges between the muscles and the abdominal wall. It may be barely visible. Indeed, many people who have a flat stomach have them.

On a physiological level, it provides a protective role. The presence of abdominal fat can be harmful to your health. This is an element that must be taken into account. Indeed, the greater the abdominal circumference, the more the people concerned risk developing diseases, such as diabetes, a stroke or certain cancers.

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This habit that contributes to increasing abdominal fat

Did you know that can smoking stimulate the formation of visceral fats? Contrary to popular belief, which suggests that smoking increases calorie consumption and has an appetite suppressant effect, this bad habit can promote the appearance of unsightly bulges in the abdominal area. This is a study carried out on a sample of two million people and published in March 2024 in the British scientific journal Addiction, which established this data.

The researchers who carried it out established one of the following conclusions: ” Even though smokers generally have lower body weight, they tend to have more abdominal fat than non-smokers.” Their research is based on the study of genes associated with smoking as well as body fat. Smokers, although slimmer, tend to accumulate “unhealthy” fat, according to Danish researchers. Dr. Germán D. Carrasquilla, the lead author of the research, said of the results: “From a public health perspective, these results reinforce the importance of large-scale efforts to prevent and reduce smoking in the general population, because it could also help reduce abdominal visceral fat and all related chronic diseases.

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