This beach sport, which is very good for the heart, allows you to burn 500 calories in 1 hour

Looking for a sport to practice on the beach? To get back in shape, try this good cardio activity that burns 500 calories per hour.

Because “summer” means vacation for many, there is nothing like discovering a new sporting activity, just to relax without leaving exercise aside. A “lazy” sport would build muscle without effort. And a sport, although underrated, burns more than 300 calories per hour of practice. But this one is even better: it burns up to 500 in sixty minutes !

If you are planning to escape near the sea, consider including a sport in your stay, between your friendly aperitifs, naps and swimming. To keep fit and stay in good health, you can opt for walking (be careful, the ideal distance to cover each day is not necessarily 10,000 steps) and discover the landscapes and cities of the moment. Where you can test a game that expends energy.

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A beach sport that burns a lot of calories

Vacation means relaxing and lounging, but not only that! In addition to tanning, you can indulge in a beach sport good for the heart: beach volleyball ! It’s fun and doesn’t require a lot of equipment: just a ball and a net. For the terrain, you will only have to draw boundaries on the sand with your foot to draw an area of ​​approximately 8mx16m.

Rules-wise, a match is played in two winning sets, the first two going up to 21 points and the deciding one in 15 (with two points difference to win the set). The objective is to throw the ball to the other side of the net and not let it fall in your part of the field (find the details on the Decathlon website). You can watch professionals compete at the Paris Olympic Games to inspire you.

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The physical benefits of beach volleyball

Its benefits are numerous for your body: it improves cardio, activates metabolism and burns calories. How much exactly? Beach volleyball could eliminate up to 500 per hour according to the site Eurosport. It would therefore allow you to lose weight if that is what you want, but also to work on your cardio. Beach volleyball has the advantage of using all parts of your body. Running and jumping in the sand is not so easy. So you should strengthen your legs. Kicking the ball and catching it in flight works the abs, arms and shoulder blades. We therefore gain muscle and refine ourselves.

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If there aren’t many of you who want to play, why not suggest it to other beachgoers who might be tempted. The sport is indeed friendly and very fun. If he is sporty, he is accessible in terms of rules and agility. If you prefer, beach volleyball can be available: beach tennis, beach soccer… And of course, you can practice yoga, pilates, racket games or longe rib on the beach.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…

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