this defect of Emmanuel Macron which irritates him


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In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche, Brigitte Macron confided in a fault of the President of the Republic which particularly annoys him.

The Sunday newspaper devotes a long portrait to Richard Ferrand, the President of the National Assembly. Very close to the Macron couple, the politician has supported the current President of the Republic for a long time. No wonder then that in this paper, Brigitte Macron was interviewed to tell some of her memories with Richard Ferrand. “When he has something in his heart, we tell ourselves (…) He has perspective on things, a lot of judgment, experience and humor. He is a rare man. A friend“, she assures in the course of a few confidences.

But what caught the attention is an anecdote that the First Lady told, in particular about a defect of her husband, which particularly annoys her as well as Richard Ferrand: the endless speeches of Emmanuel Macron during political meetings or speeches.

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“We couldn’t take it anymore”

To illustrate her words, Brigitte Macron recounts the time when, during Emmanuel Macron’s first campaign meeting in 2017, Richard Ferrand would have gotten angry. “It’s not possible God”, he would have breathed in front of the length of this conference. “We both supported each other because it was endless. We wanted to leave, we couldn’t take it anymore“, adds the First Lady. According to her, “the president has such a concern for completeness that he does not leave it. He never finished.And to quote a final example:the speech on Simone Veil, he wrote the last word behind the Pantheon…

If Emmanuel Macron decides to run for the presidential election, Brigitte Macron will attend her husband’s long speeches for five more years…

Maylis Casse

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