This is how you get rid of heartburn in pregnancy


Heartburn is one of the annoying symptoms that you have to come to terms with in the course of being pregnant. For me it started around the 25th week and became stronger especially in the evening and at night. With the right tools and tips you can get it under control. I’ll tell you what helped me and what you can try.

This is how heartburn develops during pregnancy

At the end of the second trimester, as the abdomen grows larger and the child takes up more space, the organs move upwards. The result of this is often heartburn. The sphincter at the stomach entrance usually ensures that the gastric acid stays where it belongs. In pregnant women, the pressure on the stomach by the baby is so great that it gives way. Then, especially when lying back, the acid flows back into the esophagus (so-called reflux) and makes itself unpleasantly sour and burning. As the baby gets bigger, especially in the last trimester, heartburn often increases. At night it can be so bad that you wake up from it and can not sleep through.

Why you should definitely do something about the heartburn:

  • If you adjust your eating habits, less stomach acid is produced and you can sleep better at night.
  • Permanent heartburn can damage the esophagus. The aggressive gastric juice attacks the mucous membrane and it may develop into inflammation in the esophagus.
  • The acidity, which sometimes flows into the mouth, results in increased bad breath, which you get rid of if you keep the heartburn in check.

My top tips against heartburn in pregnancy

# 1 milk or yogurt

Especially during the day it helps me to drink a glass of milk. It neutralizes the acidity and relieves the burning in the throat. In addition, many pregnant women find milk really refreshing. That’s how I feel! However, if you are not a fan of pure milk, then help with one to two tablespoons of yogurt. It also contains a lot of valuable calcium, which we now urgently need, and promotes digestion.

# 2 almonds

If you’re on the road and your stomach acid bothers you, or she comes in handy in the office, then almonds are a good tip. I also take them to meetings and nibble them inconspicuously. They work best when you cuddle them very slowly and swallow them down as a porridge. It should work similarly with hazelnuts. Try out which nut you prefer.

# 3 Soda

Soda is a home remedy that everyone should have at home because it is so versatile. I already have this tip from my father, who has always been struggling with heartburn: Dissolve a little soda powder in water and drink after a meal or at bedtime. This calms the stomach and neutralizes the acidity.

# 4 Gaviscon

This tip I have from a friend who also suffered from severe gestational heartburn and could not sleep at night. Gaviscon Dual is available in tablet form * or as a suspension * for swallowing. Made from sodium alginate and sodium bicarbonate, the gel lays directly on the stomach entrance and forms a protective barrier against the acid. I take it right before going to bed and it helps a lot against nocturnal heartburn and belching.


These home remedies also help with heartburn

# Mustard

Mustard oil should help to slow the reflux and to keep the acid in check. For this you should take a teaspoon of mustard after a meal.

# Camomile tea

Chamomile tea is one of the stomach-friendly teas and helps especially with abdominal pain. If the acid torments you in between, a glass of chamomile tea can also help to relieve the burning sensation.

# Healing clay

Healing earth is not only good for your skin , but also has a calming and neutralizing effect on the inside. Just dissolve some healing earth * in a glass of water and drink the whole thing. But there are also healing earth in capsule form *.

# Ginger

Drink a glass of ginger tea or sliced ​​fresh ginger and pour it with a little water. Whether he insulates the acid with you, you have to try. Some people think ginger is too spicy. Then he could tease you more. If on the way annoying the stomach acid, then you can also suck a ginger candy *.

# White bread or rusks

Chew after meals or in between some white bread or a piece of rusk. The starch binds the excess of stomach acid and can prevent heartburn.

Adjust your eating habits!

  • Small meals: If you eat smaller meals rather than a large one throughout the day, your stomach will have less to do and will produce less acid.
  • Do not eat late at night: Try not to eat two hours before bedtime, so your stomach does not have to work when you fall asleep.
  • No acidic drinks and foods: Avoid using very acidic drinks and foods as they still promote heartburn.
  • No raw food and spicy food in the evening : Do not eat raw salads or very spicy foods, especially in the evening.
  • Sufficient liquid: Drink sufficient water throughout the day, because too little liquid can promote the formation of stomach acid. 
  • Raise your upper body at night: so that the acid does not flow back, it can help if you are sleeping with your head elevated.  If you have a bed with an adjustable headboard, then try putting it up.

In addition to heartburn, there are unfortunately some other unpleasant side effects that we have to endure in the waiting time for the baby. Do you know some of it or was it completely different with you?