This mom prepares 426 meals in advance for the next 8 months and creates buzz on Tik Tok

Kelsey Shaw, a huge canning enthusiast, is currently generating buzz on Tik Tok thanks to her way of cooking and planning meals for her family. The farmer got a head start on the next 8 months thanks to her conservation method!

It is a good resolution that this 30 year old farmer took with her husband, Nathaniel. In 2017, the couple and their three children decided to settle in the small town of Crown Point, Indiana, in the North of the United States. It is located near the Great Lakes region, on the border with Canada and has a large number of farms. It is because of agricultural tradition who rules the city.

This is exactly what Kelsey Shaw was looking for, with the aim of adopting a much healthier lifestyle: “When we settled on the farm, we wanted to live more slowly and we wanted to know what we were eating and where did it come from?, she confided to her subscribers. As a result, the farmer decided to start canning, after having prepared all the meals for the little family herself.

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Some 426 meals were prepared and canned, enough to last around 8 months

It was on the social network Tik Tok that the mother decided to share her daily life and her passion for canned goods. With her healthy lifestyle and impressive results, Kelsey Shaw quickly created a buzz. She likes to share her recipes, and to confide in the way he works to feed his family: “I at least pass two hours a day in the garden and the food preservation process can take days in several stages”she explained.

She also proudly revealed that she had prepared 426 meals in advance, which equals a duration of approximately 8 months of provisions. An impressive result, which has only increased its number of subscribers, in total admiration of the mother’s feat. This thus combines 350,000 people who follow her on Tik Tok. What to have a more than positive influence, particularly with regard to the planet and healthy eating.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to …

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