This new classification of the most trendy first names is quite surprising!

INSEE has unveiled the first names most often given to babies born in 2020. A list that shows new trends, taken up by the Parisian.

No more Emma and Gabriel in nurseries? If these first names continue to be given mainly in France, they are no longer at the top of the ranking! INSEE recently carried out a survey on the first names most often given to babies born in 2020 … the results of which were published in the Parisian. If the trend seems to be for old names, other new names have risen in the rankings … especially thanks to influencers, notes the news site. Find out which first names were most appreciated by the French in 2020, to the point of naming their cherubs as well.

Jade and Louise in front of Emma

If the first name Emma has kept its place warm on the first step of the ranking for nearly a decade, it has just been dethroned. Indeed, according to INSEE, the first names Jade and Louise were mostly given in 2020. 3,814 babies were called Jade, against 3,811 for Louise and 3,478 for Emma.

Is the first name Emma too common today? This is in any case what thinks the sociologist of first names and professor at the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay, Baptiste Coulmont, interviewed by the Parisian. “Emma is starting to be an old name. Parents watch and listen to the first names they have around them. They were able to see Emma at a 17-year-old neighbor, or even a cousin who has already chosen this name for their daughter ”, he says.

Another surprising fact of this classification, the first name Amber is placed in the 5th position. For the expert, this rise is surely due to the fact that ” differs “ first names in -a (although these names continue to be popular with young girls). Just before Ambre, we also find the first name Alice in fourth place.

See also: Elvish names: 20 names that will take you to the land of dreams

Expect to meet a lot of Leo

Did the shortcut of Leonardo DiCaprio’s first name have inspired some parents? In 2020, the first name given to little boys according to INSEE is Léo! It stings the place of Gabriel, with 4,496 births against 4,415 for the first name of Hebrew origin. In third and fourth place, we find Raphaël and Arthur. Louis is fifth.

Babies of influencers inspire

Le Parisien notes that some names have made a nice rise in the rankings precisely because they were chosen by influencers and reality TV stars. The first name Milan, that of Nabilla’s son, has gained 190 places and now ranks 104th. Jessica Thivenin called her baby boy Maylone: ​​result, the year 2020 had 422 births of Maylone against 40 in 2019.

Note that you are not obliged to respect the gender assigned to a first name, for that of your baby.

Elise Poiret

Journalist specializing in parenthood, Elise writes for aufeminin and Parole de mamans. She is also very involved in the fight for women’s rights. If you only have to remember …