This physical activity, seen as a granny sport, burns 400 calories per session (90% of the muscles work)

Working 90% of your muscles gently is possible. A “granny sport” actually turns out to be a perfect physical activity for losing weight.

To lose weight, there is the option of changing your diet. A breakfast is ideal for this, and these 2 foods limit fat storage after the age of 40. There’s also the option of physical activity, like this trendy sport that can help you lose 600 calories in just an hour. But for a less intense choice, discover this “grandma’s sport” capable of burning 400 calories per session.

Popularized in the 2000s, it actually appeared in the 1970s in Scandinavia. It is seen as a leisure activity, practiced mainly by elderly people, but it was originally a training course intended for summer cross-country skiers. In addition to being pleasant to do and accessible to all, This sport allows you to build muscle and lose weight. We tell you what it is and how it is effective.

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A physical activity requiring 90% of the muscles

The physical activity in question is Nordic walking, which involves walking with sticks. Contrary to popular belief, it mobilizes around 90% of the body’s muscles, almost all of them. What’s more, this sport works the muscles in depth: the pectorals, abdominals and arms at the top, and the thighs and calves at the bottom.

In addition to walking, you will therefore burn between 300 and 400 calories per hour. For typical walking, you only burn 100 to 300 each hour. Endurance, motor coordination, respiratory capacity, balance, venous circulation… Its benefits are numerous for health, and it is suitable for all ages and body types.

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What are the benefits of Nordic walking?

Nordic walking is therefore ideal if you want to lose weight gently. Activity helps prevent diseases such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, osteoporosis, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, heart attack and even depression. Because it can help regain strength and self-confidence, and therefore has psychological benefits in addition to physical ones.

Simply practice it for thirty minutes every day to reduce your risk of heart attack by around 20% and to lower your blood pressure. An Inserm study cited by Fashions and Works even states that women walking at least four hours a week have 40% lower risk of suffering a femoral neck fracture than those who only walk for an hour. Significant advantages. To do Nordic walking, you will only need poles, sports clothing and good walking shoes. A more dynamic practice than hiking, which allows you to go faster but get less tired, specifies the French Hiking Federation.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is passionate about cinema, French and international, and a fortune reader. Curious about everything, she talks as much about personalities as…

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