this type of pasta causes blood sugar levels to skyrocket

Not all starchy foods are good for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, but this particular type of pasta is the worst of all because it causes your blood sugar to skyrocket.

THE pasta are among the foods rich in carbohydrates that you should not eat in too large quantities when you want or need to monitor your blood sugar. Like bread or industrial biscuits, pasta is a starchy food that drastically increases our blood sugar level as soon as we eat it, because the sugars from digestion pass into our blood via the intestinal barrier. But what is less known is that some pasta is worse than others for our blood sugar levels, just like the worst type of rice to eat for your blood sugar.

As the expert pasta brand explains Panzani “it is really not recommended to eat special quick-cooking pasta, as they also have a glycemic index that is too high” compared to pasta which cooks more slowly. Quick-cooking pasta will, in fact, significantly increase the glycemic index of your pasta dish. Worse, if you forget them for one minute too long on the fire, they risk causing “poor digestion of carbohydrates”. It is therefore better to avoid them and instead consume great drinks to regulate your blood sugar levels naturally or smart foods that lower blood sugar levels.

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Blood sugar level: here are the best pastas to eat to avoid blood sugar spikes

The pasta brand also explains that you can limit the impact of consuming pasta on your blood sugar levels by choosing the right ones from supermarket shelves. To minimize the blood sugar spike caused by pasta, it is better to choose it “preferably dry and not fresh”. Also, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the pasta that you are going to consume because “Inferior quality pasta unfortunately tends to cook a little too quickly and may contain too high blood sugar levels” Panzani warns. But the best thing is still to favor “of the wholemeal pastawhich will have even less impact on your blood sugar level because they have a low glycemic index (50), much lower than that of white pasta which is 70.

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