This very trendy sport promises results on the figure after 2 weeks of practice (you will have abs of concrete)

Coming straight from the United States and popularized on Tik Tok in particular, this very trendy sport promises results on the silhouette and concrete abs from 2 weeks of practice. What is it about ?

Whether to show off a slim figure on the beaches in summer or simply to keep in shape, many people are increasing their sessions at the gym. In this temple dedicated to the cult of the body, there are multiple practices to carve abs or buttocks of steel. Some opt for solo training, consisting of a variety of exercises, alternating between cardio and muscle strengthening, while others find motivation in the excitement of group sports sessions.

Ultimately, whatever your preferences, the ultimate goal is to lose a few extra pounds in order to feel good in your body. However, it is important to find some form of pleasure in the physical activity you do, whether it is a zumba session, a yoga class or even a pilates session. Practices which have become even more popular in recent years.

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Lagree method: what is it?

But the sports trend of the moment comes straight from California and seems to be of real interest given the interest it arouses on TikTok notably. This is the Lagree Method, which seems to be gaining more and more followers, as reported by our colleagues at the magazine Cosmopolitan. Halfway between pilates and yoga, this sporting practice straight from across the Atlantic promises its followers to tone their body while sculpting their silhouette.

Obviously, it was enough for exercise enthusiasts and the curious to rush to test this famous Lagree Method. But what is it actually about? The so-called Lagree Method, named after its designer, Sébastien Lagree, was born in the city of Los Angeles, more than fifty after the invention of aerobics made popular on television by Jane Fonda.

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A concrete abdominal belt

The Lagree Method is part of a similar logic, since it constitutes a fitness practice that mixes pilates, weight training, and cardiovascular training. And to try this clever mix of sport, you should use a machine called Megaformer, which is none other than a new version of the Pilates Reformer, better known to fans of the said discipline. A machine that allows you to perform fluid and controlled movements, the goal being to achieve slow movements that require high intensity muscular endurance.

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Results in 2 weeks?

A method that allows you to work all muscle groups and improve strength, endurance, flexibility and balance while toning the body. By using slow movements, the Lagree Method is gentler on the joints and allows you to work the abdominal area in depth, which may explain its attractiveness.

And if it promises its followers a refined and toned silhouette, it is in no way a miracle recipe. Indeed, as with most sports, the visible results on the figure depend on individual factors and the real changes should be felt after 8 weeks of practice, with at least 3 weekly sessions. “However, by practicing Lagree 3 to 4 times a week, you should see results within 2 to 3 weeks,” However, our colleagues say.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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