Tiktok Videos Viral – Disinformation: How Millions Fall For It

As the “BBC” writes, the social network TikTok has become one of the leading platforms for fake videos about the war in Ukraine. The clips about the war appearing on the app guarantee millions of views and thus contribute to disinformation. Here we present books that give an overview of the network of disinformation.

Tiktok has more than a billion users, more than half of them under 30. And Tiktok is therefore also the virtual place where many young people get their knowledge about the war in Ukraine. The platform is fighting against fake news, but apparently with little success: According to the “Newsguard” portal, a new user sees a fake video every 40 minutes. Many users just pretend to be reporting from the war zone and simply clip old footage of bomb alerts or gunfire below their post. Still others produce the videos using video programs or computer game scenes. Here are some books about disinformation that provide an overview in the information jungle. This is not propaganda: How our reality is shattered A mirror book about fake news abysses: Peter Pomerantsev shows exactly how disinformation campaigns work.22.62€Click here for the book.What the fact!?: Why we are so often wrongHow dangerous is the corona virus really? Has juvenile delinquency increased in recent years? Most people think they know the answers to such questions – and they are often completely wrong. And why are disinformation campaigns so successful in the over-informed 21st century? The answers to these questions can be found in this work by Ole Häntzschel.€26.73Click here for the book.Remote Controlled: How Democracy Is Undermined by Social Media“Remote Controlled” covers the activities of the data analysis company Cambridge Analytica and the Trump advisor Steve Bannon up. In addition, the author Christopher Wylie gives an insight into the entanglements of Facebook, WikiLeaks, Russian secret services and international hackers.€24.67Click here for the book.Fake News AlarmHow conspiracy theories are gaining in importance in the age of social media and are deliberately used for manipulation. Including a fact check on known conspiracy theories.€10.07Click here for the book.Discovering and fighting disinformation: Interdisciplinary approaches to combating disinformation campaigns and for plurality of opinionIn this volume, renowned researchers present the comprehensive analysis results they have gained with regard to digital disinformation.55, 52€Get the book here.Defending the truth: fake news, trolls, conspiracy theories and cancel cultureFacts or fake news, truth or lies: how do we know what we know?28.79€Get the book here. You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, current offers and discounts can be found in our voucher portal. This article was created in editorial independence. As an Amazon partner, however, we earn from qualified sales. The prices may vary on a daily basis.
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