Time change on March 27th: 3 things you should definitely do beforehand

Time change on March 27, 2022
3 things you should definitely do beforehand

With these three tips you can start the spring season optimally.


Only a few more days, then it’s that time again. The clocks are changing and everything is in the sign of the coming summer. How can we prepare for the time change?

Winter is finally taking its well-deserved break and the temperatures are rising. And that goes hand in hand with the changeover to daylight saving time. So that we can enjoy the first days of spring even more, we have three tips for preparation.

Daylight Saving Time: This is how we prepare

A big spring cleaning, rearranging the wardrobe or getting the garden ready for spring: Before the clocks change, there are a few things we can do to start spring in a relaxed manner. In the video we tell you three things that you shouldn’t forget before March 27th.

Source used: moneytalksnews.com


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