Tips for the 4th corona wave: These 20 ideas can help in everyday life

Just a few months ago we had the feeling that at least a bit of normality was returning to our everyday lives – until the fourth corona wave mercilessly broke down on us. How should we actually behave now? We have put together 20 suggestions for you that we follow ourselves.

1. Don’t be a test muffle

The problem is: we never know whether we will pass on the coronavirus unnoticed after all. Unfortunately, just because we don’t have symptoms doesn’t mean we don’t have the virus in us. Those who test themselves can create more security for themselves and others.

2. Better be a test bourgeois

A corona quick test with your coffee? Why not. If we invite friends over to us, we can arrange to have them all test themselves once. Incidentally, this is also recommended by the Robert Koch Institute, whether vaccinated or not.

3. Meeting with friends: inside? Yes, gladly, but maybe better outside

Do we have to meet in closed rooms? Perhaps a stroll is a nice alternative to a little chat in the café. The mulled wine can simply be taken away in a thermo mug.

4. Too cold? Okay, then ventilate

If it’s too cold outside for you, you can of course also meet at home. Then maybe, as described above, with a self-test and plenty of ventilation – a wool blanket provides the right cuddle factor.

5. Does it really have to be all at once?

Yes, meeting all the friends, talking excitedly and laughing together are great, but maybe it doesn’t have to be all at once at the moment. The groups should be kept as small as possible. The RKI is already advising again to avoid non-urgent contacts.

6. Can it also be digital?

Digital meetings will never replace physical ones, but they at least offer the opportunity to talk to loved ones and see each other despite the distance.

7. Visiting grandma and grandpa? Very much, but only with a test

The contact with our grandmothers and grandpas in particular is important, many grandparents benefit from the visits of their children and grandchildren. But it is precisely here that extreme caution applies. No visits should take place without a test, perhaps even a mask would be appropriate.

8. The distance rules are still a good protection, by the way

Due to the mild summer and the low numbers, we tend to forget that distance is the best way to avoid infection, especially outside. This is a little more difficult indoors due to the formation of aerosols, and additional ventilation is required here.

9. Wash your hands

Whether we’re just back from shopping, a walk, or a visit, hand washing is important in fighting the virus.

10. Is this disco night really worth it?

In some federal states, cultural and leisure facilities are about to close again. Everyone should now consider whether the upcoming visit to the discotheque with people dancing and sweating is actually a good idea.

11. Kissing, cuddling, sex

The pandemic has probably made one thing very clear to us: We are not made to stay away from other people. Anyone who has been vaccinated and tested beforehand can certainly start a cuddle round. Of course, new love shouldn’t suffer from the pandemic either. There are also positive things to report: Apparently there are no viruses in either sperm or vaginal secretions.

12. Perhaps we should rethink upcoming celebrations

Is there another birthday coming up? Or maybe an anniversary celebration? Such occasions are always a reason to celebrate. Either you think about a sophisticated test system – for example, throw a round of quick tests as a guest gift – or you reconsider the celebration at this point and move the party to the coming year.

13. Interpret symptoms correctly

At the moment you hardly ever see anyone who isn’t coughing, sniffing or sneezing. Because in parallel to Corona, various other viruses are crawling around that hit us much harder. The reason: Last year we suspended a season, so to speak, due to protective measures such as wearing a mask and lockdown. The problem: Those who are vaccinated will not feel the clear corona symptoms, but rather a cold with sneezing and a runny nose. So we should definitely test ourselves if we show symptoms.

14. Symptoms right at home

Who doesn’t know it: You’re sitting in the office and your colleague’s nose is blowing your nose next to you: into your handkerchief: “I only have a slight cold,” they often say. What was common before the corona pandemic, we shouldn’t be doing right now. And even after that, we should definitely get rid of this mania: If you are sick, you stay at home.

15. Wear a mask, do it properly

Most of them have already got used to the mask. For many, however, it either sits incorrectly or is only half-heartedly put on. A mask under the nose is useless, the viruses are not only found in the mouth area. The mask should be flush with your face so that it rises and falls as you breathe. If this is not the case, there is too much air coming in somewhere. A tip for men: a beard is not particularly beneficial when wearing a mask correctly.

16. Vacation plans

Understandable that some want to flee the eternal gray in Germany. Before traveling, however, you should take a close look at the conditions on site and which certificates you need for entry and return. The incidences are currently fluctuating enormously even within Germany. Here, too, it is important to question yourself: Is this vacation currently necessary?

17. Vaccination is now the order of the day

Anyone who has not yet been vaccinated should reconsider in the current situation. The fact is that without a high vaccination quota, we will only get out of the pandemic very slowly, which in turn is associated with significantly more deaths – and with longer necessary measures and restrictions.

18. Booster vaccination for everyone

Boosts too! The Standing Vaccination Commission has just announced that it recommends booster vaccination for everyone over the age of 18. It’s best to make an appointment for the whole family right away.

19. Send to quarantine yourself

According to the current requirements, anyone who is fully vaccinated does not have to be in quarantine after contact with a person who has tested positive for Corona – this also applies in the same household. Here we should rely on our personal responsibility: We should stay at home for at least a few days, test ourselves regularly and avoid contacts. The most reliable result is achieved by a PCR test.

20. Alert!

If a test is positive, the last contacts should be informed as soon as possible in order to interrupt the chain of infection. Preferably immediately after the first positive rapid test. The infection should definitely be stored in the Corona warning app. The app also tells us whether we have had contact with someone who tested positive.

The situation is grave, the incidences are reaching new, sad records every day. But we should keep one thing in mind: panic has never been a good companion. Yes, the pandemic sucks, it has to be said so clearly. Anyone who is vaccinated is pretty well protected from a severe Covid course. We protect old and sick people by vaccinating and getting tested. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, but life doesn’t stop there. Let’s keep enjoying it as best we can, and if we all obey the rules, we may soon be there.


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