To create living space: Greens encourage tax breaks after moving out of the house

To create living space
Greens encourage tax breaks after moving out of the house

Living space is scarce, especially for young families. In order to change this, the Greens are now considering a change in tax law. It should be made easier for older people to move out of their big house and into an apartment.

In an attempt to create living space for young families, the Greens bring tax law into play. It’s about making it easier for older people to move out of big houses. The costs of renting a smaller apartment yourself cannot currently be deducted from the income from renting out the single-family home.

“Checking this would be an exciting point from a housing policy perspective,” said Christina-Johanne Schröder, housing policy spokeswoman for the Greens parliamentary group, of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper (FAS). She also pointed out the building law hurdles when dividing a single-family home. Easier division into several residential units is “one of the most important factors in creating more living space”.

The FDP is considering easing inheritance tax to make it easier for single people to move out of the big house after the death of their spouse. “We are working to ensure that the allowances for inheritance tax are increased by 25 percent,” said the spokesman for building and housing for the FDP, Daniel Föst, of the FAS to take.”

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