Tomorrow belongs to us: who really killed Pascal Villard? We have the answer

While everything seems to accuse Gilles of having killed his father-in-law, the identity of the real murderer of Pascal Villard has just been revealed in an extract from “Tomorrow belongs to us” put online in advance by TF1.

Warning, this article contains spoilers for the next episodes of Tomorrow Belongs to Us. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows!

After several days of anguish for the Delcourts, the truth about the death of Pascal Villard will finally emerge in Tomorrow belongs to us.

And if all suspicion fell on Gilles (Laurent Gamelon), because of the marks of blows he has on his hands and the outbursts of anger that the tumor which was detected by the doctors can cause, the truth is quite different. . And the real murderer is in reality another character who gravitated around the victim.

The police launch the pursuit of the murderer of Pascal Villard

In order to discover where Gilles was at the time of Pascal Villard’s assassination, Martin (Franck Monsigny) questions Aymeric Jonot, from whom Pascal had borrowed a blue minivan to kidnap Cécile, in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us broadcast this Tuesday 20 February on TF1 and is already available in advance on TF1+.

Aymeric explains to Commander Constant that he was at the bar on Boulevard Joliot-Curie on Friday afternoon and that he saw Gilles with Pascal. He adds that things seemed tense between them and that Gilles was angry. Then assures that he saw them leaving the bar together around 5 p.m. Jonot is sure of the time because he was waiting for the start of the seventh horse race at that time.

However, if Gilles admits to having come to blows with his father-in-law, he swears not to have killed him. Villard was still alive when he last saw him. A testimony which seems to convince Karim (Samy Gharbi) and which will quickly be confirmed by a theory from Timothée (Grégoire Champion).

Indeed, the young recruit of the PTS discovers in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us on Wednesday February 21 that Jonot lied. In his deposition, he said he bet on his favorite horse competing in the seventh race of the day. However, in truth, the horse in question was entered in the second race.

Aymeric Jonot therefore becomes the number one suspect for the Sète police officers, who try to arrest him for the first time, in vain, before Karim and Nordine (Youcef Agal) embark on a real chase in the streets of Sète , of which TF1 revealed the first images in an extract posted online in advance. A chase which this time will pay off. Allowing the police to finally complete the investigation into Villard’s death.

Jonot confesses and explains why he killed Villard

Arrested and taken to the police station, Aymeric Jonot ends up confessing in the episode of Tomorrow belongs to us on Thursday February 22. He says that Pascal Villard owed him 10,000 euros. But instead of repaying him, he preferred to taunt him with his luxury watch. Jonot therefore arranged to meet him in a bar to give him an ultimatum. But Gilles arrived very angry with his father-in-law and disrupted his plan.

Jonot thus let the two men explain themselves and come to blows. And it was only when Gilles left and Villard got up that Jonot took action. He threatened Villard to destroy it, but the latter did not take it seriously and started laughing. Behavior that drove Jonot crazy, who ended up hitting Pascal Villard with an iron bar. Several times so that he understood that he was not joking.

Despite Pascal’s tragic death, the conclusion of this new investigation by Tomorrow Belongs to Us is therefore a relief for the entire Delcourt clan, happy to know Gilles is innocent and off the hook.

Does the end of this arch mean that Gilles and Cécile will leave Sète to make a new start? Or will they continue to appear in the series? The future will tell.

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