Tonight on Amazon: a hero who fights with a sewing machine!

Prime Video subscribers, you can discover this half-serious, half-comic film in which the hero shoots… with a sewing machine!

Do you dare to be original? The Prime Video platform hosts the film On m’appelle Alleluia, in which the hero ends up defending himself with a machine-gun sewing machine! Yes Yes !

And here is the best western of all time according to spectators!

In My Name is Alleluia, Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, wishes to defeat the revolutionaries once and for all by purchasing machine guns and sending payment to his supplier in the form of jewelry.

Except that the rebels led by General Ramirez hear about this transaction and hire the mercenary Alleluia to get their hands on these jewels. But Maximilien will not let this happen, just like the crooks and a good sister, who are also interested in this treasure!


George Hilton

The original title literally translates to “Heads I kill you, tails… you are dead – They call me Hallelujah”. We can already guess that this western, Italian in origin, will be tinged with comedy, and we are not disappointed!

But if the comedy does not fly very high, the film does not fall into the failings of a Trinita, for example, and still offers its share of shootouts and dirty tricks, as we can also hope for from a European western of this time.

And we didn’t lie to you, the film includes several scenes in which Alleluia destroys his opponents by the dozen… with a machine-gun sewing machine! The proof :


Alleluia is played by George Hilton, an actor who exploded playing Franco Nero’s drunken but good-shooting brother in Time of Massacre (1966). From 1967, he made seven films including six westerns. In total, he will put 20 in the can between 1966 and 1975.

Most of his characters have more than one trick up their sleeve, often planning three contingency plans to ensure they end up with a loot or carry out a relentless revenge.


Note that They Call Me Alleluia will have a sequel, Alleluia Defies the West (in original version: ‘Il West ti va stretto, amico… è arrivedo Alleluia’), by the same director, with part of the team of the first and, as a bonus, the Frenchman Raymond Bussières. But this number 2 is unfortunately relatively impossible to find.

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