Too much cheese: This is what happens in the body when you eat cheese every day

Healthy eating
This is what happens in the body when you eat cheese every day

© Katarzyna Hurova / Shutterstock

Cheese is delicious and provides the body with calcium and proteins. But those who eat too much damage their health. These are the consequences of eating cheese every day.

Cheese is an integral part of the kitchen in many countries, and Germans love it in every form. Regardless of whether it is gratinated on pizza or gratins, straight or as a topping on the good old sandwich – cheese always works. And as long as you keep moderation, nothing speaks against it from a health point of view. However, anyone who eats cheese every day and practically at every meal risks serious illnesses.

There are 3 health risks associated with eating (a lot) cheese every day

1. Cheese can promote inflammation in the body

Cheese contains many of the harmful saturated fat. Above all, arachidonic acid is available in large quantities – especially in fatty varieties such as Gouda or Camembert. This can cause inflammation and promote diseases such as arthritis.

2. Cheese can harm the heart

Anyone who eats a lot of cheese increases their blood lipid levels, especially the concentration of the “bad” LDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases – such as a stroke, heart attack or arteriosclerosis.

3. Cheese can weaken the liver

In addition, consuming too much cheese can slow down liver function. Above all, it weakens the removal of toxins, which the liver can then no longer adequately manage. In the worst case scenario, cheese can lead to cancer.

This is how you eat cheese in a healthy amount

In addition to these potential health risks, cheese can also have benefits for our body. For example, it provides it with a lot of protein, which keeps us full for a long time and gives us a power boost. Calcium strengthens our bones and teeth – by the way, hard cheeses such as Parmesan or Emmentaler are best.

In order for the positive effects to outweigh the negative, you should enjoy cheese in moderation. The official recommendation of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) is: 50 to 60 grams of cheese per day. That’s about one or two slices.

But of course not all cheese is the same. If you want to do your health a favor, you should only eat a little of the particularly fatty varieties such as mountain cheese, cheddar, Gouda, camembert or butter cheese. Instead, it is better to include the low-fat variants in your diet more often – such as Harz cheese, grainy cream cheese or cottage cheese, feta or mozzarella.

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