Top offer for Bayern star: Are Kane and England not fit enough for the European Championship?

Top offer for Bayern star
Are Kane and England not fit enough for the European Championship?

In May, Harry Kane was absent from FC Bayern due to back problems. Most recently, he was substituted for England, who are already under pressure at the European Championships. Now the captain of the Three Lions is talking about his fitness. The star striker has also been made an immoral offer.

England’s national team captain Harry Kane has dispelled doubts about his fitness and feels fully fit again after his back injury in May. “I think I can play all the games. In the first game I felt as fit as I have all season. The most important part of the tournament is still to come, the knockout phase. If we are eliminated, I will have to answer a lot of questions. But I feel 100 percent,” said Kane at the press conference in Blankenhain.

In the 1:1 draw against Denmark, the 30-year-old FC Bayern star striker was substituted after 69 minutes and replaced by Ollie Watkins. This normally happens rather rarely. National coach Gareth Southgate justified this by saying that Kane had not played much in the Bundesliga in the final stretch of the season. “The coach has a difficult job because we have a lot of great players – I will always support that,” said Kane.

Before the group final against Slovenia on Tuesday (9 p.m.), Southgate and Kane are under criticism. The first two games against Serbia (1-0) and Denmark brought four points, but little brilliance. The BBC already asked: “Is England not fit enough to play pressing?” Nevertheless, a victory over Slovenia is enough to make the group victory perfect.

During his time at the European Championships, Kane had already been in contact with the new Bayern coach Vincent Kompany, as he revealed on Sunday. “He just wanted to hear my opinion about last season. It was only ten minutes. At the moment England is the one that counts. But when I’m back, it will be great to start the new season with new ideas. I’m sure I’ll learn a lot from him too,” said Kane about Kompany, who succeeds Thomas Tuchel at the record champions.

Immoral offer for Kane

But Harry Kane can still laugh. An MDR journalist who is “very excited” about the visit of England’s national team to Blankenhain in Thuringia made the FC Bayern soccer star an immoral offer. “Can you imagine moving here to Thuringia? Would you stay here?” asked the reporter, who already had a contract offer and a jersey ready for Kane to sign.

It was particularly funny when the journalist presented the contract details of the amateur club SG Lauscha/Neuhaus. He cheekily made the following offer to the 30-year-old striker: “You would get as many Thuringian grilled sausages as you want, plus drinks at the bar and minimum wage. You would also have more time for the national team.”

Kane was happy to join in the fun and replied quickly: “I need to talk to my agent and see what we can do.” The Three Lions captain particularly likes the golf courses in Thuringia “fantastically”, as Kane emphasised.

“The way I have been received here in Germany is unbelievable. It is great here. Since I have been at Bayern, it has been a great time. I just wanted to say thank you for that,” said Kane. The striker moved from Tottenham to the Munich club last summer for a transfer fee of around 100 million euros.

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