Totems on Prime Video: a crazy and dangerous shooting told by the stars of the series

Available on Prime Video, the “Totems” series offers an ambitious visual spectacle with a thrilling spy plot. Meeting with the trio of stars, made up of Niels Schneider, Ana Girardot and Vera Kolesnikova.

Created by Juliette Soubrier and Olivier Dujols (The Office of Legends), the Totems series proves that French fiction has it underfoot. Immersed in the sixties, the plot follows the adventures of Francis Mareuil, an aeronautical engineer, hired by the French secret services and the CIA to investigate a mysterious space project.

Composed of eight episodes, the program lives up to its ambitions. It offers a real spectacle thanks to an excellent work on the reconstruction of the time and a well-crafted plot against a backdrop of the Cold War. The creators choose an “everyman” character to transform him into a hero of a nation.

HelloCine had the opportunity to meet the three stars of the series, Niels Schneider, Ana Girardot and Vera Kolesnikova. Together, they returned to the perilous filming of the series, between Prague, Spain and France, the epic dimension of the plot and several anecdotes such as the realization of their own stunts.

Interview by Thomas Desroches, in Paris, in February 2022.

Totems is available on Amazon Prime Video.

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