Treat cough with homeopathy

Cough is an annoying symptom, but it is sensible and usually harmless for the body. Certain homeopathic medicines are particularly useful for treating cough.

Cough can have many causes. The most common cough occurs with a cold. But irritants, foreign bodies, allergies and lung diseases can also trigger a cough. Cough is a reflex, a protective mechanism. It is activated when foreign bodies, dust particles or mucus have got into the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. However, cough is often very annoying, annoying and sometimes debilitating and painful.

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When can cough homeopathy be used?

Whether it's a wet or dry cough, homeopathy can help with all types of cough. Homeopathic remedies can be used to support conventional medicine or naturopathic treatment.

In order to successfully treat cough with homeopathy, the right remedy must be selected from a variety of possible medicines. The patient's symptoms result from specific questions. These are compared with the descriptions of the drugs. We are looking for the best possible match:

  • Is it a dry cough?

  • Is there a wet cough (with expectoration)?

  • What does the spit look like and how does it taste?

  • Is there an urge to cough and where is it located?

  • Does the cough sound damp, rattling or loose?

  • Is there pain when coughing and what type of pain is it?

  • Is there a trigger for the cough?

  • When is the worst cough?

  • What measures can be taken to improve the cough or when does it get worse (for example in a warm room, in the cold air, by drinking, during exercise, lying down or by stress)?

  • Are there any concomitant circumstances that occur simultaneously with the cough?

Homeopathy for the common cold: 15 effective medicines

Important homeopathic cough medicine

To find the right homeopathic medicine, one should compare the main symptoms of cough with the symptoms in the description of the remedy. Homeopathic medicines differed significantly. The following list contains the most common acute remedies for cough homeopathy and their typical symptoms:


  • dry, hard sounding, persistent cough
  • suffocating cough that wakes up from sleep
  • sudden onset
  • after staying in a cold, dry wind
  • Feeling of dryness in the chest
  • no expectoration
  • is also used for Krupp cough

Arsenicum album

  • Whistling breathing with foamy expectoration
  • the airways seem constricted, you cannot breathe deeply
  • asthmatic cough
  • very great exhaustion and weakness


  • sudden onset
  • dry cough due to dryness in the larynx
  • violent scratching in the larynx causes the cough
  • violent coughing fits with the feeling that the head bursts
  • barking sound of cough
  • Coughing fits end with sneezing
  • Feels like there is a crumb in the larynx


  • hard, dry cough with a feeling of soreness in the chest
  • Cough with stitches in the chest and with a headache as if the head would burst
  • must press the hand on the breastbone when coughing
  • the cough shakes the whole body
  • deep inhalation causes pain


  • dry, barking cough
  • the cough is caused by tingling in the larynx
  • Cough comes from deep down
  • Cough causes abdominal pain
  • the individual coughs come so quickly that it is very difficult to breathe in between
  • Hoarseness, larynx is cramped and constricted
  • proven remedy for whooping cough

Hepar sulfuris

  • barking cough
  • worse from breathing cold air
  • suffocating coughing fits
  • possibly rattling mucus on the chest, but nothing can be ejected
  • useful for croupy cough


  • convulsive, asthmatic cough
  • suffocating cough
  • wheezing with rattling noises
  • Coughing for breathlessness

Nux vomica

  • dry, excruciating cough with a strong feeling of soreness in the chest
  • Fever with chills
  • the cough causes gagging
  • triggered by cold, dry and windy weather
  • the cough causes a bursting headache and abdominal pain
  • when coughing tickling and pain in the larynx


  • dry cough from tickling in the larynx and below the breastbone
  • hard, dry cough that is very excruciating and exhausting
  • very violent cough
  • pain in the larynx when coughing, as if it wanted to shatter


  • in the evening the cough is dry, in the morning loose and moist
  • Cough from tickling and scratching in the larynx
  • Coughing fits, you have to gasp for breath
  • thick, mild and yellowish-green sputum


  • You start to cough when you breathe cold air
  • solid, tough and stringy mucus is coughed up
  • There is mucus stuck in the larynx, which you try to cough up constantly
  • hoarseness
  • dry, convulsive cough
  • breathlessness


  • no whistling or rattling on the chest
  • croupy cough with sawing sound (as if sawing wood)
  • in the later stage tough mucus that is difficult to cough up

Which potencies should be used?

Homeopathic medicines are used as a single remedy in classic homeopathy. For certain diseases, homeopathic complex remedies are also used, in which the most common active ingredients are mixed in different potencies. Homeopathic cough complex remedies are offered as tablets and drops.

If you want to independently use homeopathic remedies for cough, you should use low potencies. The most common are globules, drops and tablets. These can be taken every hour in potencies D3-D6, up to ten intakes per day. A dose consists of three globules, three drops or a tablet that is allowed to melt under the tongue.

Higher potencies such as C30, C200 or C1,000 are suitable for the treatment of chronic or very pronounced cough. Homeopathic medicines in such potencies should only be prescribed by trained therapists and if the course of the disease is medically controlled.

When should you see a doctor?

There are limits to using homeopathy for cough. A medical examination must be carried out, especially for whooping cough, croup cough or the coughing of the heart in old people. If conventional medical treatment is necessary, homeopathy can be given in addition for cough.

The homeopathic medicine should work quickly in acute cough. However, if the cough increases in severity or has persisted for more than three weeks, you should definitely see a doctor. It is then important to rule out serious causes of the cough. In addition, long-standing coughs tend to become chronic.

Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy

Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy