Tuna or salmon: which of these fish is the most caloric? : Current Woman Le MAG

In sushi, en papillote or on the barbecue, raw or cooked, as a starter or a main course … There are a thousand and one ways to eat tuna and salmon. These are part of the family of "blue fish", also called "fatty fish". But just because they contain fat doesn't mean they can't fit into a diet or a rebalancing diet.

Quite the contrary: it contains what is called "good fat" and more precisely omega-3. Consumed in reasonable quantities, they are true allies for health and slimming! But which of these two fish is to be preferred when you pay attention to its line?

Salmon contains more fat than tuna

Tuna contains 121 calories per 100g, while salmon contains 223 calories per 100g. But caloric intake is not the only criterion to take into account when you want to be healthy and keep a stable weight: the amount of protein and fat, in other words fat, must also be analyzed.

On the protein side, the intake is almost equivalent for tuna and salmon, since it amounts to 27.2g per 100g for the first fish and 25.5g for the second. What about lipids? Salmon contains much more than tuna: 13.5 g versus 2 g. This is what explains the difference in calorie intake between these two fish.

Tuna and salmon: tips to limit calorie intake

If you want to pay attention to its line, tuna is therefore to be preferred, because it contains less fat and therefore calories. But in order for this fish to have no impact on weight, it is important to know how to taste it. It is advisable to:

  • cook it in foil, steam, or even eat it raw to limit the caloric intake of fat;
  • Avoid eating it in the form of sushi, because the glycemic index of sushi rice is very high, which makes you gain a lot of weight.

Just because tuna is lower in calories than salmon doesn't mean you have to bet everything on this fish. And for good reason: both are particularly exposed to pollutants. It is therefore advisable to limit the consumption of these fish during pregnancy and replace them with mackerel or sardines, which contain less toxic substances and provide just as much omega-3.

thanks to Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist in Paris.

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