TV-Soaps: Is Brenda behind Nina's secret on "GZSZ"?

Carla and Gregor are planning their flash wedding at "Rote Rosen" and at "Unter Uns" a men's evening is getting out of hand. Later Brenda notices that "GZSZ" is behaving conspicuously.

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Alex is annoyed that neither Bruno nor Henning tell him what's going on between them. He vaguely suspects that Bruno Henning accuses himself of having an affair with his mother. Astrid cannot help but confirm his suspicions. Carla and Gregor are planning their lightning wedding in Denmark and find out that they need groomsmen. Britta cannot refuse Carla's wish despite her concerns about Gregor.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Dirk wakes up from his loss of consciousness, but cannot remember the fact. Meanwhile, Chief Inspector Meyser the seemingly clear evidence against Tim seem funny. Paul doesn't know what to do because Luna never stops crying. Only when she hears Jessica's voice can she calm down. It starts to work in Paul. Is Luna better off with Jessica?

5:30 p.m. RTL: Between us

When Noah's stress-related neurodermatitis returns, Eva catches up with her guilty conscience shortly before leaving for Moscow. How will she choose? Jacob's job loss provokes arguments between him and Saskia. A men's evening is supposed to distract him. This unexpectedly gets out of hand. While Britta and Rufus are doing everything they can to protect Robert from his mother's marriage campaign, Roswitha already has a new plan.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that matters

After it has become clear to Niclas that the Steinkamps have secretly monitored him, he desperately tries to take control again. When Vanessa realizes that the hospital should have an underground car park instead of a company kindergarten, she stands up for her colleagues. Lucie is unsure whether she is ready to engage with a new man. When she meets Moritz's friend Leo, she gives herself a jerk.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Leon keeps haunting Nina in the head. However, she wants to focus on Robert, but when he presents her with suggestions for converting the attic, she has something to complain about. In Brenda's eyes Nina behaves strikingly. Maren and Alexander have the feeling that Steffi is flirting with them. A small competition for Steffi's favor arises between them. They have no idea that they sent Steffi ambiguous signals.