TV soaps: Stress for Nina and Carlos in “GZSZ”

TV soaps
Stress for Nina and Carlos in “GZSZ”

“GZSZ”: Nina and Carlos can relax again after a turbulent day.

© RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

In “Rote Rosen” Malte confirms that Anette attacked him. Eleni finds out about her mother’s infidelity in “Storm of Love”. In “GZSZ” Nina and Carlos have to take care of a drama couple.

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Malte confirms fully conscious that Anette attacked him. While Ralf informs the magistrate, Anette confronts Malte and realizes: he actually thinks she is guilty! Thanks to Dilay, Simon, Charlotte and Doris realize that the family must stick together after Peter’s death. Through a misunderstanding, the siblings learn that Dahlmann-Trikotagen has financial problems and Doris makes it unmistakably clear to Simon: he should take over the company.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

When Eleni tells her mother about the rapprochement with Christoph, Alexandra decides to keep the infidelity to herself for the time being. Meanwhile, Markus dares a cautious attempt with his estranged wife, which ends in a fight. When Eleni notices this, she asks her father to finally accept the relationship between Christoph and Alexandra. Markus can no longer contain himself and blurts out in front of Eleni what happened during their business trip. After the kiss, Greta distances herself again, but Noah finds new hope. Meanwhile, Greta has a serious problem when several guests contract food poisoning and Robert blames her.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Lulu selflessly tries to uphold Corinna’s legacy. Relieved, she thinks she can help Cecilia with it. Stella has a bad feeling and wants to find out more about Jakob’s case. In doing so, however, she oversteps boundaries and finds herself in an awkward position. Paula seizes an opportunity to rekindle her friendship with Cecilia. But a lot has changed between them.

7:10 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Jenny feels happy with Justus and has no idea that she just barely escaped her fate. Deniz wants to put the accident behind him and get his life back. But there is still a long way to go, as Imani must also recognize.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Carlos and Nina manage to reconcile the Argentine drama couple. But couple therapy is costing her dearly. Still, they are able to laugh about the turbulent day until Navarro sends a text message that embarrasses Nina. Luis blocks any attempt to talk and deals with his grief on his own. So does Moritz have no choice but to move out of the shared flat?


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