Twitch: Mister V has created a completely original channel on the platform!


Thumbnail photo credits: Mister V for Hummel

It was on the night of November 25 to 26 that Amine’s night took place. Sponsored by Adidas, this event brought together the organizing streamer of Eleven All Stars alongside other figures of French-speaking influence, including Mister V. The two content creators spent most of the evening together carrying out various challenges, or everything just chatting on the couch. In short, Amine’s night was busy!

Mister V finally opens a Twitch channel!

Most French-speaking internet personalities are already on Twitch. The stream is trending and many Youtubers like Squeezie, Henry Tran or Antoine Daniel have decided to turn to the Amazon platform for their live broadcasts. Seen as a way to interact more easily with its community, streaming on Twitch has won over content creators. Until then, many users of the platform were waiting to see it appear on the latter… Mister V. Rejoice, your wait is (finally) over.

It was during a discussion on the sofa that Mister V mentioned the creation of his Twitch channel with a totally crazy name: DidierLeZozo. With an identity consistent with the humor of its creator, the channel is currently empty and only has one description: “French pro-gamer/streamer. Favorite game: Athens 2004 (PS2)”.

Mister V went on to say that he had just received his Twitch set-up and intended to start streaming on the platform “shortly”. Although we don’t have an exact date yet, we can’t wait to find out what kind of content the creator will be offering. Will we be entitled to crazy games of FIFA 23? The Mister V community will find out very soon.

Mister V and Amine on the next GP Explorer?

The GP Explorer is the F4 race organized by Squeezie on Saturday October 8th. The event brought together 22 influencers divided into 11 duos who competed in a totally crazy race with Sylvain (Nord VPN Vilebrequin) as the big winner of this first edition. Because yes, the organizer of the competition mentioned in his summary report a potential second race next year “if everything goes well”.

But while Amine and Mister V were discussing the subject, the latter replied: “I don’t have to talk about it but… we’ll see next year”when the organizer of the Eleven All Stars asked him why he had not participated in the GP Explorer. Can we expect to see Mister V on the asphalt during the next edition of the event?

On top of that, Amine went one better by also saying: “I have to talk about it but… maybe we will be against each other”. So, huge troll or real info? Only the future will tell us. To see if the organizer of the GP Explorer will renew the event for a second edition and if Amine and Mister V will indeed be present in the F4… or not.


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