two ex-adventurers are expecting their first child


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They had managed to find love during the Koh-Lanta season: secret weapons. These two candidates continue their life together and will even welcome a baby.

In the fall of 2021, they had decided to formalize their love born inyears the show Koh Lanta. You recognize them, they are Thomas and Myriam, former publishing candidates secret weapons, who had revealed in October to love each other out of sight for a year. A few months later, Thomas and Myriam get more involved, they are going to have a baby.

The couple announced it thanks to a riddle on Instagram. Myriam had posted a mystery photo on her account in which there was a clue to great news. The fans largely played the game and discovered the presence of a small bottle. Thomas had also sown clues, explaining that he was moving to Lyon to join his dear and tender this summer.

Finally Myriam and Thomas revealed the famous change with a photo of them holding a pink bodysuit and a blue bodysuit and a bottle. In the caption, the couple wrote: “We are extremely proud and happy to announce that the Koh Lanta family will grow.” The two lovers are preparing to welcome their first baby together. Myriam already has two children and will experience her third pregnancy.

Koh-Lanta, the show that offers repeated changes

Koh Lanta will have marked Myriam and Thomas, by the force of the adventure which tested them. But also by the chance of having put the two lovebirds on the same path, whose complicity was born in the show.
“When we say it’s a life-changing adventure, it’s not a joke”jokes Myriam on her account, before thanking Thomas. “Thank you to my man, my buddy for being the person you are”.

Same post on the side of Thomas, who shares the same photo with the following message, “thank you my wife who takes care of our little totem, of us on a daily basis I am a happy future dad.”

The couple is on cloud nine, but there is no question of stopping their activities. “I promise I won’t spend my days talking about the baby, the strollers, we continue to talk about sports. We are officially part of the blended family team”, promised Myriam to her community and who follows her more for her sports advice.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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