Until Sunday – horse whisperers and great riders in Wels

Horses, horses, horses! Everyone who loves horses will meet in Wels until Sunday. And with the “crown” there are also great advantages.

The fair for horse and rider in Wels presented by the “Krone” attracts tens of thousands of fans from all over Austria. The motley world of horses is packed with top-class shows and demonstrations every day until Sunday. Racy warmbloods, Friesians, Icelanders and other horse breeds await visitors. Top riders and horse whisperers show their skills. And of course there are many stands with everything that goes with it. A first highlight of the many shows came on Thursday with horse trainer Bernd Hackl. He gently taught a young gelding manners in a packed arena. In addition to competitions and demonstrations in driving singles, in dressage, jumping and even vaulting, this year there is a lot of room for Parelli training, which focuses on animal communication. For the first time there are demonstrations in side saddle. “Krone” bonus card holders (KBC) have advantages, they receive a Fixkraft feed sample or treats from Pferdperfekt with a 25 percent voucher at the “Krone” stand in Hall 5, and there are also €3.50 discounts, coupons are available at kronebenefitsworld.at. One thing is clear: happiness on earth is on horseback!
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