Using a lighter – 24-year-old demolishes taxi and threatens driver (26)

Curious scenes must have taken place on Sunday night in the Tyrolean Oberndorf (Kitzbühel district)! After a taxi ride, a woman (24) kicked the taxi and damaged the mirror motor. She also threatened the taxi driver. She was arrested.

A Tyrolean taxi driver (26) probably won’t soon forget Sunday night. At around 1:45 a.m. he drove his vehicle from Kitzbühel to Oberndorf. He had a 24-year-old local woman with him as a passenger. At the destination address, the woman stopped the taxi driver while paying and then kicked the taxi for no apparent reason. She damaged the vehicle. “The woman then tried to burn the exterior mirror of the vehicle with a lighter and damaged the mirror motor,” says the police. The driver was also threatened, a complaint follows. In addition, the 24-year-old verbally threatened the driver and then wanted to flee in a car. She also behaved extremely unruly towards the police officers who were called and did not reveal her identity. She was then temporarily arrested. It is displayed.
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