Vaccine pass: the text expected on January 5 in the Council of Ministers, on the 10 in the Assembly

Europe 1 with AFP

During his speech on Friday, Prime Minister Jean Castex said he wanted to transform the current health pass into a vaccination pass. This vaccination pass will only work thanks to a complete vaccination schedule and no longer on presentation of a simple negative test as is currently the case. This bill is due to be debated in the Assembly on January 10.

The bill dedicated to the “vaccine pass” announced by Jean Castex should be examined in the Council of Ministers on January 5, then debated in the hemicycle of the National Assembly from Monday January 10, government sources indicated on Friday evening. . According to this work schedule, still subject to modifications, the text would be examined by the deputies of the Law Committee on Friday January 7, for a discussion in the hemicycle from Monday January 10, before being sent to the Senate.

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Friday evening that the health pass would become at the beginning of 2022 a “vaccine pass”, which can only be activated with a complete vaccination schedule and no longer with a simple negative test for Covid-19. To enter places subject to this pass (restaurants, places of culture, recreation, etc.), a negative Covid test will no longer work: you must necessarily have been vaccinated (or cured of the Covid) and have received a dose of reminder.

Access to trains concerned?

Regarding access to trains, “this must be clarified soon”, but “the working track” is also that “trains currently subject to the pass are subject to this vaccination obligation”, according to a ministerial source. The bill must also “tighten the conditions of control and sanctions against false passes”, indicated the Prime Minister.

Jean Castex specified that this text would be the subject of “preliminary consultations” at the beginning of next week. But it “is not admissible that the refusal of a few million French people to be vaccinated puts the life of an entire country at risk and affects the daily life of a vast majority of French people who have played along since the start of this campaign. crisis “, hammered the head of government.

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