Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: when to be alarmed?

Vaginal discharge affects many pregnant women. Many think that it is a sign of an illness, but in reality the losses are quite natural, it is even an indicator of our health. We take stock.

The majority of women are one day confronted with vaginal discharge, also called “White discharge” or “leucorrhea” in medical jargon. And contrary to popular belief, that’s not a bad thing. Indeed, these flows, which very often leave traces in our underwear, consist largely of cervical mucus. It is a natural liquid, a kind of viscous secretion, produced by the glands of the endometrium of the cervix, which protects the genitalia from various germs and bacteria.

Usually, cervical mucus changes color and consistency depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and can sometimes appear in greater or lesser quantity. Pregnant women, in particular, notice that their cervical mucus increases early in their pregnancy. And this is completely normal. Pregnancy is a time of change. A woman’s hormonal balance is completely upset and the vagina changes under the influence of pregnancy hormones. Result: the blood flow increases, the vagina relaxes and there is then a greater secretion of cervical mucus, therefore losses. These are therefore not necessarily a sign of illness.

Is vaginal discharge always a sign of pregnancy?

Often, it is believed that a vaginal discharge can tell if you are pregnant. Although you can draw conclusions about the phase of a woman’s cycle by closely observing the secretions, you cannot be 100% sure whether fertilization was successful. Only a visit to the gynecologist or a pregnancy test can help.

However, slight bleeding may occur when the egg implants. The discharge may be reddish for a few days, and this may be a sign of pregnancy.

Read also : Pregnant or not? The first signs that never fail

Losses during pregnancy: what is normal?

During early pregnancy, vaginal discharge is profuse in most women. As long as they’re colorless, with a milky, gooey appearance, odorless, and no abdominal pain, you’re fine. They are “normal” and show a good balance of the vaginal flora.

In addition, in some women, the quantity of secretions decreases again as soon as their body gets used to the new hormonal balance. For others, it remains constant.

How to recognize abnormal discharge during pregnancy?

The discharge of a healthy woman, whether pregnant or not, should always be almost odorless and colorless. If they start to smell bad, like a fishy smell, and change color, this indicates a fungal infection. Other symptoms can also be a sign of an infection:

  • Itching
  • Burns
  • Pain in the vaignal area
  • Severe vaginal dryness

Therefore, if a woman notices this, she should see a doctor immediately. Especially during pregnancy, it is important to always examine for abnormal secretions. After a thorough examination, the attending gynecologist will choose the best treatment option for mother and child.

Read also : Pregnant urinary tract infection: what are the risks and treatments for the baby and the mother-to-be?

Brown discharge during pregnancy: what does it mean?

Observe brown losses or brown during pregnancy is scary at first, but in fact it is very common and under some circumstances not a bad sign. The brownish color of the secretions when you are pregnant can be explained by minor internal lesions, for example after sex, a medical examination or problems with intestinal transit due to constipation for example.

However, if the discharge is very profuse and rather red, or if it is accompanied by burning or itching, see a doctor as soon as possible. It could be a serious infection.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy: is it worrying?

The yellow losses or yellowish during pregnancy is very often a sign of infection and should always be examined by a doctor. It can be a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, which occurs when the microflora in the vagina is disturbed.

In the event of such an infection, there is no danger to your unborn child, but the infection must be treated promptly. In which case it can lead to complications such as preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes or premature birth. Your partner may also be required to undergo treatment.

Greenish discharge during pregnancy: what does it mean?

A greenish discharge, often associated with itching and / or an unpleasant odor, is also a sign of infection, should be examined. The greenish or rather yellowish color with a green tint may indicate the presence of a virus, bacteria or fungus. Your gynecologist will make the diagnosis and find a suitable treatment.

Clear losses at the end of pregnancy: is it amniotic fluid?

Towards the end of pregnancy, women tend to worry about fluid getting into their panties. However, it is easy to distinguish whether it is a normal discharge, a little urine or in fact amniotic fluid.

Vaginal discharge is easily recognized in late pregnancy because it is thick, sticky, and whitish. Quite the opposite, amniotic fluid which is fluid, transparent and odorless. In addition, if the baby has already slipped into the pelvis, the amniotic fluid would flow out regularly and not all at once. As for urinary leaks, which are frequent at the end of pregnancy because of the weight of the baby pressing on the bladder, they are recognized by a strong odor and a slightly yellow color.

Viscous discharge at the end of pregnancy: what is behind it?

A few days before childbirth, many pregnant women notice a viscous discharge. It is a sign that the birth is imminent. The cervix begins to open and the mucous plug is about to come off. As the cervix moves, the mucous plug will release in the form of viscous losses, gelatinous, translucent or colored. Sometimes there is a little blood on it, but that’s not a reason to worry.

Read also : 4 signs that announce the imminent birth of the baby

Important note: the information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for a visit to the doctor. If you have any doubts or urgent questions, you should contact your gynecologist or midwife.

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