Video. In France, many beagle dogs are intended for laboratory research


Two beagle farms in France are intended for scientific research. These reputedly docile dogs are sold to laboratories and undergo all kinds of tests, details the Brut media. Animal activists call for alternative methods

In Gannat, in the Allier, a beagle farm is regularly targeted by animal activists. And for good reason, the dogs raised there are intended for laboratory research.

As Brut explains in an edifying video, there are two farms of this type in France. Beagles are chosen for their docility. They are sold to laboratories to carry out various tests. “They are given or injected with human or animal drugs, food products or other products to test them before marketing them. They are also used for different diseases, ”explains the media.

If the tests carried out are light, the dogs can be adopted. On the other hand, in the case of other experiments, the animals are killed so that their tissues can be analyzed. “There are so many millions of sensitive, intelligent beings who are sacrificed for this cause”, laments to our colleagues the deputy of Essonne and mathematician Cédric Villani.

In France, 1.9 million uses of animals for scientific purposes were recorded in 2019, according to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, among them nearly 4,900 dogs.

“Limit Incidents”

“Regulations require that when a drug is developed for humans, it is tested in rodents, but not only. It helps to limit incidents, explains to Brut Ivan Balansard, veterinarian and research engineer at the CNRS Institute of Biological Sciences.

Animal advocates are calling for the closure of these establishments and the implementation of alternative solutions. In August 2020, the L214 association had already produced a video to warn about this kind of practice.

“The objective is to no longer use animals”, assures Ivan Balansard. According to him, all means must be implemented to promote other methods, but today “to prohibit animal experimentation would be to stop all research and development of drugs”.


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