Video in the Schweizerhaus – Schinkels shrugs after 0: 4: “Sneak it up”

St. Pölten’s football icon Frenkie Schinkels stinks 4-0 in the first leg of the relegation against Austria Klagenfurt! In a video from the Schweizerhaus in Vienna’s Prater, the 58-year-old made an all-round blow. But see and hear for yourself – there’s the angry speech in the video below.

“We just heard: 4-0 away, or 3-0 or 6-0 or 8-0 – hey Oida! What is it about? St. Pölten, can you still save it? ”Rages the former sports director of Lower Austria. “We in St. Pölten want our children to be able to play football in the stadium. And you non-St. Pölteners – Schreier, Zellhofer and … what’s your name all together – Blumauer. It’s crazy for you. “

His demand is therefore: “Sneak it out of St. Pölten, pluck it up from St. Pölten. You don’t belong in St. Pölten. ”Then there’s an order for a spritzer from the waiter in the Schweizerhaus. Schinkel’s closing words: “That is not what we want. Please sneak up on it. ”