Video: That's how bad the corona pandemic hits the children's hospices

Visit to the children's hospice
The corona pandemic affects young patients and their families

Keeping your distance in the children's hospice? Actually unthinkable.


The pandemic also makes life in the children's hospice more difficult: The employees try everything to make the children's time in the hospice as pleasant as possible despite Corona and to fulfill wishes – but the necessary donations are often missing

Social Distancing in the Hospice? The corona regulations hit the children particularly badly: To protect them from the viruses, the little residents of the children's hospices must also keep their distance. Nevertheless, the employees and their families do everything they can to give the children the best possible time.

Children's hospices in crisis: The necessary donations are not being made at the moment

But an RTL report in the Sonnenhof children's hospice in Berlin clearly shows that in times of crisis, the donations that hospices are so dependent on are significantly lower than in previous years – a circumstance that worsens the crisis.

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