Vitamin C bomb: This is what lemon juice does to our body

Sour and healthy?
This is what happens to the body when you consume lemon juice every day

Can lemons do both: sour and healthy?


A few drops of lemon juice round off the taste of many dishes and add that certain something to drinks. But how healthy is the juice actually?

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” – You have certainly heard this sentence from time to time when something didn’t go as planned. Many people know that lemonade is not one of the healthiest drinks. But lemon juice itself is said to be one of the so-called “superfoods”. Right?

Sour and healthy? This is the effect of regular lemon consumption

At least some doubt the statement that sour is funny, but what about the health effects? Can the lemon help with this? In the video we reveal how healthy lemon juice really is and how its individual components affect our body.

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