Wallbox comeback? The automotive industry is demanding billions for the e-car charging network

The 900 euros from the state for private e-car charging stations should come back, at least if the representatives of the German automotive industry have their way. They want a better charging network for electric cars and are asking for billions. Consumers should not only benefit from a wall box at home, but also on the go.

Another 900 euros for wall boxes: VDA wants more money for e-car drivers

Switching to an electric car is expensive. Not only do the electric vehicles themselves often cost a hefty sum, it also makes sense to have a powerful charging option at home. While the state is still helping with the environmental bonus when buying or financing an electric car – and wants to continue doing so, albeit to a lesser extent – e-car owners have to pay their own money for the private charging station.

This has been the case at least since the funds for wallbox funding were exhausted last autumn. But if the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has its way, it shouldn’t stop there: In a position paper, the members, including BMW, Mercedes and VW, call for massive further support for the expansion of the charging network in Germany. The federal government should provide 5 billion euros for this as part of a “booster funding” by 2025.

Among other things, a new funding program for wall boxes is to be launched from these funds. The VDA speaks of a new edition of the KfW program, so you want to keep the old conditions and see only new money. Means for consumers: 900 euros are included for purchase, professional installation and acceptance.

More public charging points for e-cars

But that should not be the only step. The decisive factor is “that the Expansion speed of the charging infrastructure proportional to the ramp-up of electromobility proceeds,” according to the VDA. You have to be two years ahead of the need for public charging points when expanding. It is currently the other way around, there are far more e-cars than charging points. This gap should be closed, according to the association, which sees its position paper as a contribution to the ongoing work of the Federal Ministry of Transport on the “Charging Infrastructure Master Plan”.

Don’t fall for these misconceptions about electric cars:

In the further planning one should also on a fair distribution of additional charging stations respect, think highly of. The demands of the association directly benefit consumers in many respects. But the industry itself would also benefit, for example through the desired “privileging of car/truck charging infrastructure” in the expansion of renewable energies.

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