Weekly horoscope: These zodiac signs are extremely lucky in the week starting September 4th.

weekly horoscope
These zodiac signs are absolute lucky ones in the week starting September 4th.

© Jacob Lund / Adobe Stock

What are the stars for the coming week from September 4th? Which zodiac signs can be particularly happy? We chose the lucky ones.

It’s that time again: New week, new happiness. Also in the coming week there will be some Zodiac signs are particularly favored by the cosmos and can look forward to a particularly beautiful new week. You can read here what they are.

Three zodiac signs, on which from 4.9. the best week is waiting


Happy events cast their shadows ahead! Dear Cancer, you have a lot to look forward to in the coming week. With the Sun and Jupiter in the trine you can achieve a lot and get a lot closer to your dreams and goals. Especially at work, this means: Be present, get involved and stand up for your projects and topics that are close to your heart. Very important: Trust your intuition, it will send you exactly the right signals. Your commitment in the coming week is guaranteed to pay off.


The trine between the Sun and Jupiter also means a real lucky streak for Taurus. Everything runs like clockwork and you can start the first week of September with a lot of ease. But above all: Use the opportunities that are available to you – your gut feeling will guide you. You will also receive encouragement and support from friends and acquaintances in the goals you have set yourself. Look forward to a wonderful week full of small and big joys and enjoy your everyday life.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s a job, finances, friendships or love: you are a real lucky child, dear Pisces. Anything is possible in the coming week and maybe even a surprise or two awaits you. But don’t worry: your ruling planet Neptune will take care of you – and make sure that you listen to your gut feeling when making important decisions. In the next week you will definitely be able to see all the beautiful things in life with ease and you will consciously and fully enjoy the small moments.


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