Weight loss: here are 9 good habits to adopt to lose a few pounds before the holidays without dieting

While the raclette season is underway, we are already anticipating holiday overeating when we watch our weight. To avoid depriving yourself of the pleasures of the table in winter, there is no point in going on a drastic diet just before overindulging, it would be worse for your body which would then tend to store even more that it was lacking beforehand.

If a weightloss sustainable takes much more than a few weeks, the coach and nutrition expert, Aurélien Espeso however reveals some slimming tips to adopt now to be in a calorie deficit and lose a few pounds before the end of year holidays. Good habits to adopt without deprivation, which will allow you to approach this period of festivities with a light mind if you fear extra pounds. Implementing them now to have a healthier routine is also the assurance of fully enjoying your holiday meals since you will have anticipated weight gain and reduced its impact on your figure. Promising first results after 7 days of application if you don’t already follow them, these reflexes can make all the difference. Much better than a diet!

9 habits to adopt to lose weight without dieting

  • Drink 2 liters of water per day, because sufficiently hydrating your body can radically help increase our metabolism without even doing sports. By drinking enough water every day, you allow your body to burn more calories at rest. This good habit “increases metabolism by 30%” !
  • Walk 30 minutes a day at least, because this gentle physical activity which we barely realize allows us to burn calories very easily. You can also prefer the stairs to the elevator to complete.
  • Sleep 7 to 8 hours per night minimum, because rest is essential to help the body eliminate even if it is often neglected. Indeed, lack of sleep can influence our hunger and push us to eat too much due to fatigue. Better to ensure a good night’s sleep.
  • Eat vegetables with every meal to provide all the vitamins necessary for our body and promote satiety by stocking up on low-calorie fiber. It’s also a good way to reduce your quantities of other richer foods.
  • Eat fruit for breakfast rather than drinking hyper-sweetened fruit juices which make us consume too much sugar, which promotes weight gain. By eating fresh fruit, you stock up on vitamins and fiber good for satiety, which is much better for your body.
  • Limit snacking between meals to easily reduce your calorie intake and be in a calorie deficit without risking being hungry or depriving yourself at the table.
  • Limit sodas : which are hyper-sweetened drinks that contain many unexpected liquid calories and make you gain weight without even making you feel full.
  • Drink green tea every day, because this type of tea is capable of regulating blood sugar to limit blood sugar peaks which are often the cause of fat storage.
  • Do 10 minutes of jump rope per day, because it is a perfect physical activity for easily burning between 200 to 400 calories (i.e. as many as those burned during a 20-minute running session) and which really does not take up much time on a daily basis.

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