By filtering toxins, the liver can, like any filter, become clogged and congested. It is essential to clean him from time to time, to allow him to rest and to lighten his workload. Adopt a hypotoxic diet, make monodiets or intermittent fastingfocusing on “clean” foods are all reflexes to adopt so that the liver regains optimal functioning.
Adopt a hypotoxic diet
If food is our first medicine, it can also be a real toxic product: “It is one of the first pollutants for our liverassures Agathe Sultan. The dietary route and the medicinal route are the main causes of liver overload (excluding pathology)”. A hypotoxic diet provides essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients to the body and excludes all toxic substances: alcohol, stimulants (coffee, tea), refined sugars, industrial foods. “We limit fat intake to limit in particular fatty liver disease which affects a third of the Western population. Professor Pol agrees. The hypotoxic diet is mostly plant-based and easy to digestfavoring organic, seasonal and local fruits and vegetables.
What foods to favor and which to eliminate?
To keep your liver in great shape, it is essential to implement a change in diet, without this, other measures such as detox will be incidental. “This would be like emptying a bathtub (the liver) of its water (the toxins), without turning off the tap (the foods we consume).”illustrates Christopher Vasey before adding: “There are three aspects to consider when we think about liver and diet: foods to eliminate that tire the liver, attack it and overwork it. Favorable foods which support his natural abilities and which must be integrated into a long-term diet and foods for detoxifying diets, to be consumed in a limited time to relieve the liver and allow it to cleanse itself of the toxins that clog it.”.
Consume green vegetables
In traditional Chinese medicine, green is the color associated with the liver. Without surprise, all green vegetables are considered powerful “cleansers”. We focus on artichoke, broccoli, asparagus, fennel. Green vegetable juices provide a real boost of nutrients and relieve fiber-sensitive intestines. “The liver has very high requirements for nutrients, B group vitamins and sulfur amino acids.continues Christopher Vasey. Three food supplements are specially recommended: brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and flower pollen..
Black radish and artichoke, stars of detox
These two vegetables, to be consumed in the form of juice or tartare as a starter, arrive at the top of the podium for detox foods. According to our micronutritionist, they have not stolen their reputation: “Black radish has a very significant detoxification power. It activates detoxifying enzymes in the liver, production and evacuation of bile, stimulates the gallbladder. It is particularly interesting for women in whom it helps to properly detoxify estrogens..
Ginger and turmeric, two allies of the liver
Known for their antioxidant effects, ginger and turmeric are also two great allies for the liver. The first is particularly renowned for its hepatoprotective properties and for facilitating the evacuation of bile. Ten grams of raw ginger per day is enough. Consume in decoction, in the form of juice, in slices cut into a dish. For Agathe Sultan, “Turmeric is a great detox plant. It stimulates the production and excretion of bile.. However, in the event of treatment, you must speak with your doctor before embarking on a turmeric treatment.
Intermittent fasting and the monodiet
The monodiet (eating only one type of food, preferably a fruit or vegetable) and intermittent fasting (not eating for a period of 16 hours between the last and first meal) put the digestive system to rest: “The monodiet does not detoxify strictly speaking, but it puts the digestive sphere at rest allowing the liver to perform its functions as best as possible. It’s kind of the same idea with intermittent fasting. However, for him to actually have an impact on the liver, it is necessary to practice intermittent fasting in the evening, skipping dinner and not intermittent fasting in the morning by skipping breakfast” specifies the micronutritionist.
Sleep well to cleanse your liver
Sleep is fundamental in liver regeneration. Liver detox works best at night.. Implementing intermittent fasting allows the body to begin its cleansing program. If intermittent evening fasting is too restrictive, replace it with an early, light dinner, around 6 p.m. (no meat, cold meats, cheese, dairy products, sweet products). “We only go to bed when the digestion is finished or, depending on what we ate and each person’s metabolism, between two to four hours after the meal. insists Agathe Sultan.
The purifying properties of algae
Spirulina and chlorella, two freshwater algae, are known to capture and remove heavy metals. The blue phycocyanin contained in spirulina, rich in chlorophyll, protects the liver and kidneys. Take in tablet form.
Sprinkle your dishes with herbs
Tarragon, dill and rosemary contain flavonoids with stimulating properties which increase bile secretions and support the liver.
My detox juice:
- 2 lemons
- 2 Granny Smith apples
- 4 carrots
- 3 cm of ginger
- ice cubes
Squeeze the lemons, peel the ginger, peel the apples and carrots. Mix everything with 4 ice cubes until you obtain a frothy consistency.
Recipe extracted Everything comes from the liver, Dr Pierre Nys, Ed. Leduc