What helps against nettle fever?


The term nettle fever refers to the skin disease urticaria like hives and hives. Here you can find out everything about the disease.

What is nettle fever?

Nettle fever is one of several names for the skin disease urticaria. The disease causes burning and itchy wheals – the skin reaction is similar to that in contact with a stinging nettle. Therefore, the nettle fever also has its name. Urticaria can be both acute and chronic. About one in four adults between the ages of 20 and 40 suffers from skin disease at least once.

Urticaria: Many names, one disease

In fact, the term nettle fever is considered a bit outdated today – it goes back to the fact that it can lead to elevated temperature or fever in severe disease processes. As a technical term, the term hives has now prevailed. The following names generally refer to urticaria:

  • hives
  • hives
  • nettle rash
  • urticaria
  • Quaddelfieber
  • Urticarial Exanthem

Symptoms of nettle fever

The following symptoms occur in nettle fever:

  • wheals
  • itching
  • redness

Causes: How does nettle fever develop?

Depending on the form of the disease, there are different triggers:

  • Acute: Mostly due to an infection, but the skin disease can also be a complaint of an allergy. This is often the case, for example, with a food allergy or a drug allergy.
  • Chronic: Unlike an acute urticaria is here rarely an allergy, the trigger – in fact, the cause is often difficult to determine. Different stimuli (eg constant itching) can promote the development of wheals as well as mental stress and stress.

What helps against nettle fever?

In the acute form of urticaria, the symptoms usually last only a few hours to days, but not longer than two weeks and can be treated quite easily with antihistamines and cortisone. In the chronic form, in which the symptoms last more than six weeks, it is often difficult to fathom the triggers. Therefore, the treatment focuses on alleviating the symptoms – in the treatment of various medications are used, antihistamines also apply here as a basis.

In some people affected by histamine-rich foods increase the symptoms. Therefore, in consultation with the doctor, a change in diet may be useful.