what resolution to take according to your zodiac sign?

The year 2023 will soon begin. The opportunity, or not, to make new good resolutions and get off to a good start. Here is the first good resolution to take according to your astrological sign.

The end of the year period is rich in festivities. Once Christmas is over, it’s New Year’s time. Some take the opportunity to spend time with family, others to party with friends… Everyone celebrates (or not), the arrival of the new year as it should. 2023 promises to be full of surprises. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity to observe to understand the astrological trends of the year, will be in Aries where and will favor the signs of air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and, from May 16, 2023 in Taurus where she will be able to push a good part of the signs of earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

The end of the year is the perfect time to make resolutions, although it is not mandatory. Resolutions are there to help you set goals, goals to achieve during the year. They are not there to pressure you. Getting into sports, taking care of your mental health, learning a language, becoming a homeowner, having a great trip… Each person can think of several resolutions. Each zodiac sign can also bet on 2023 and work on an aspect of his personality.

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Astro 2023: the resolutions to take according to your sign

Aries: slow down, take your time
It is well known, Aries goes at 100 per hour. He dares, he undertakes, he acts… This is the most determined sign of the zodiac. But sometimes it hurts him. In 2023, why not slow down and enjoy the moment? It’s a challenge for them but if they succeed, they might like it.

Taurus: venturing into the unknown
Taurus is an earth sign that loves its routine and habits. He can then shut himself up in this daily life, in his comfort zone. In 2023, he is invited to come out of this bubble, this cocoon that protects him as much as it cuts him off from the world. He could live new experiences and have desires for distant travels.

Gemini: complete a project close to his heart
Gemini is creative. Ideas are flowing and there is no shortage of them. If he undertakes many projects, he rarely finishes them because he already feels tired. Completing a project that is really close to his heart could make him grow.

Cancer: forgiving more easily
This water sign is the most resentful of the zodiac (along with Scorpio). If you hurt a Cancer, beware because they will never forgive you. Worse, he will take revenge since he is very resentful. Learning to forgive is not forgetting. But it can lead to inner peace.

Leo: Paying Attention to Others
The Leo is often self-centered. He loves that the world revolves around him and it’s normal since his aura is powerful. If he pays attention to others and nurtures his relationships, it will bring him closer to his friends and his or her partner. Only positive.

Virgo: be flexible
Virgo likes to plan, she likes when everything goes according to the program she has drawn up. So much so that when her plans are changed, she loses her bearings and can live with it very badly. If Virgo learns to be more flexible, then they’ll take life more as it comes and can enjoy the present moment instead of planning for the future.

Libra: making precise decisions
Libra is the sign of balance, of harmony… But this perfect aesthetic has a cost: it is very indecisive. Making a choice is very complicated and painful. She doesn’t want to offend anyone and often doesn’t dare to make a choice for fear of missing opportunities, for example. Starting to make decisions will be beneficial for him to assert himself and take charge of his life.

Scorpio: revealing yourself a little more
Scorpio is very secretive. He almost never opens up, except when he feels perfectly confident with the other. If this allows him to protect himself, it can also serve him. Why ? He can deprive himself of meetings, of moments because of his closed attitude. Shame !

Sagittarius: settle down and do some introspection
This fire sign is very adventurous. Every day is a discovery, a learning. He is in search of knowledge. But this quest can divert him from his happiness and make him run in all directions, forgetting his loved ones. He could refocus on him and take stock.

Capricorn: don’t be blinded by your ambition
If Capricorn has a quality, it is that of having ambition. It’s all to his credit, but this character trait can quickly turn into a defect. Indeed, an excess of ambition will cut him off from his hobbies but also from those around him. He will focus on himself. Capricorn must take advantage of 2023 to remain ambitious without being blinded by it.

Aquarius: Accepting Your Wrongs
Aquarius is a free-thinker who has many qualities. He likes to learn, to discover… But he finds it hard to admit when he is wrong. It is difficult for those around him to live with and can cause tension. By accepting that he is sometimes wrong, Aquarius would do a very big job on himself!

Pisces: no longer worrying about the eyes of others
Pisces needs to be loved to feel good. But this constant need to be approved by the gaze of others is harmful to him. He must take advantage of this new year to focus on him, his desires, his tastes, his choices, despite what people will say.

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