where to go on vacation this summer? This interactive map helps you choose

An ingenious interactive map makes it possible to visualize where you can travel according to your location and your vaccination status. While providing the rules in use in the target country …

Video by Clemence Chevallet

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Will leave, will not leave? Under what conditions? Questions are rife with regard to the holidays this summer and the period preceding. So that we don’t spend whole nights planning trips while restrictions are constantly changing, technology comes to our rescue. The tour operator Sherpa has thus created an interactive mapping tool which tells travelers where they can go based on their place of departure and their vaccination status.

The card can be used in several ways. To view travel restrictions by zones, users can hover over a country on the map. A window will then open, giving an overview of the current policy towards incoming tourists.

For simplicity, countries are color coded according to the number and type of restrictions in place, ranging from “open trip” at “restricted entry”, can we read on Insider. Filters help travelers to hide certain destinations on the map according to their levels of health rules. When the holiday country is chosen, another window will appear, detailing the documents you need to have for your trip, as well as additional info and exemptions, such as having to pass a temperature check at the airport or wearing masks in public space. Sherpa also provides access to links to official websites and forms of foreign governments. What more ?

Celine Peschard

Journalist who loves the versatility that his profession can offer. Specialized in the historical field, societal subjects and auteur films, against a background of electronic music. University course based on …