Whimsical beauty trend: face bra against double chin

Unfortunately, it is a fact: we are aging. Our skin becomes flabby, wrinkles form and a few pounds has made itself comfortable. Also on the chin. But against the unpleasant double chin, there should now be a wonder weapon: the face bra.

We really like a lot about ourselves, but a double chin is just colossal. A problem area that you can't really train to get it back into shape. Or is it? At least that promises the hype around the admittedly rather stupid looking face bra.

Please tighten once

The Face Bra should be the new non-ultra anti-aging trend 2020. It is supposed to tighten the facial fat, distribute it better and thus transform the hated double chin into a shapely chin area. But does the part do what it promises or is it just new, expensive shit that plays with our hopes for a life with only one chin?

Face bra against double chin: This is how it should go

The face bra or face bra is attached to the head like a face bandage and is intended to tighten hanging facial skin. The double chin should even disappear completely. Instead, the Face Bra promises a defined chin line and youthful skin if you wear it regularly. Because the pressure and compression generated on the corresponding areas stimulate the blood circulation and melt the facial fat. The whole thing for only about 20 euros, which the bandage costs. Definitely a bargain compared to going to a plastic surgeon, but does it work?

As always, the network is divided

Some are convinced of the anti-aging wonder weapon, others consider it an absolute humbug. So basically everything as always when it comes to beauty trends. It only helps to test yourself. What definitely speaks for the bra: It does not cost the world, you can just wear it when Netflixing and, if it works, you have to have a little physical activity so that the bacon roll disappears under the chin. And that is definitely our favorite trend. Could then be happy for other parts of the body.